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Andre's pov

That's it, I'm done with this woman, she has completely ruined everything!

I wonder what mom must think of something now.

I could feel the anger burning within everyone's eyes as I sat ìnfront of both families.

Audrey's dad Tyler look like they're ready to murder me. Mom hasn't even looked at me.

Audrey's mom is awfully quiet next to her husband. Audrey's older sister, Megan, has her arm placed around Audrey's shoulder, who seems worried.

Dad has his arms folded while he stares at waiting for me to say something.

Eve and Ian left with Ian's parents to eat out, they didn't want to leave but mom didn't want this matter futher running our image infront of Ian's parents.

Annabella, Kayla, and their crew left a while ago . Those two really don't value family.

The silence is so uncomfortable, and I feel bits of sweat forming on my forehead and armpits as I get more nervous from their stares and whimpers.

"I knew about it, and I'm ok with it. Let's continue the party. " Audrey stood up and walked by my side, giving me an encouraging smile.

"You knew about it and kept quiet!" Dad said, standing up.

"Dad, I'm sorry," I said, instinctively standing in front of Audrey.

"You promised, you said you broke it off with her. You promised to give this marriage a chance," Mom voiced out.

"My sister is divorcing you, and that's final!" Tyler yelled as he stood up, and all of sudden, he was standing in front of me.

Tyler was almost the same height as I am, but he was slightly shorter, yet I felt somewhat intimated by his cold glare.

"And who are you to decide!?" I find myself yelling right back, and soon, the both of us are having a hard staring contest.

"Audrey, pack your bag. You're coming back to New york with us!" Mr. Orlando, Audrey's Dad/Step-Dad calmly spoke up.

"I agree Audrey, hurry up. We must leave. " Her mother also stood up, agreeing with her dad.

Audrey got in between Tyler and I, creating some safe distance.

"I'm not going anywhere, Mom. I'm staying. I knew about this, and I didn't leave for a reason, I'm sorry, " Audrey said, and I took her hand in mind.

I think it's time we tell the truth.

I opened my mouth to reveal all to them, but Audrey beat me to it,

"I apologize to everyone for hiding the truth, but Andre and I are not in love. In fact, we're just two good friends navigating marriage. We'll soon divorce, Andre will finally have his own family and you guys just have to accept that Nicky is the one for Andre and not me"  i guess half-truth/ half-lie won't hurt nobody.
Audrey had been reading non-stop since we got to my bedroom.

She's covered in a thin soft blanket while she reads a book, I guess that's how she escapes reality.

I put on my rope and then walked downstairs to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of some 18-year-old strong whiskey.

I jumped back a little when I saw Dad and Mr. Orlando is drinking together in the mini bar.

They both turned their heads towards me and then exchanged some words.

Audrey's Dad,Mr. Orlando then stood up and left the kitchen, leaving only Dad and I.

I think we should talk. I walked closer and sat down before my father.

He sighed and then poured me whatever drink they've been drinking.

I took a sip, and it sure is strong.

"Have I been unfair to you, Andre?" Dad asked, and I looked down to my glass.

"Yes, Dad, I told you from the start I didn't want this," I answered honestly.

"Do you love Nicky?"

"I-" do I really love Nicky?

I mean, I feel something strong for her, but is it love or just some strong infatuation.

"Why're you hesitating, son?" Dad eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm not, I'm just thinking. How do I know that what I feel for her is love?"

"Fact that you're even asking me that is a clear sign that what you feel for her isn't love"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, confusion laced in my voice.

"What I mean is, love is not confusing to the point where you question it. You just know it, you feel it without question and hesitation. " Dad folded his arms as he answered confidently.

"How'd you know mom was the one?" I asked.

"Ha! When she won the cheesecake eating contest for me, that day I knew she was the one. I thought to myself, every other woman I've been with had judged me for being a big foodie but your mom embraced that about me infact she too became a foodie at some point but you know her and keeping healthy. What I'm saying is son, The woman who is right for you is the one who accepts you with all your flaws and baggage and not the one who'll try to change everything that makes you, YOU." With that being said, Dad got up and then slapped my shoulder.

I don't even know anymore.

I know I love Nicky, right?

I love her. Yes, I LOVE her.

I mean, Nicky hates it when I become too "childish" in her words.

She likes me being engaged on social media every time we're out together, I should post each and everything we're doing.

I'm big on privacy, I love my fans but at the same I don't wanna be sharing every single detail of my date with my girlfriend, I'm an actor and artist not some vlogging influencer.

Nicky has always chosen my stylists. My stylists are her friends, and she always directs them on my looks in public, at some events, and even when I'm just doing a simple photoshoot.

I like independence on my looks because I have a certain style I wanna keep and not be chasing after thousands of new trending looks that'll be old news after a week.

Nicky is...

She's not the one. I hate her attitude, and man, does it feel good to finally voice my thoughts.

I hate the way she likes to control everything, I hate the way she talks to Audrey. The way she still influences my youngest sister to spread negativity and not positivity.

What kind of mother would she be to our child if she's got such a stinking attitude?

Would the baby change her? Would she start being kinder to people? Would she finally learn to value love and not obsess over it?


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