...and Action!

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Audrey's pov

"Do you still wanna go through with the plan?" Annabella asked then placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I smiled at the gesture because Annabella doesn't even like me but here she sympathizing with me. She knows the truth and she understands her brother is a jerk for ending our marriage.

"Yeah, mission expose Nicky is still on and after that it's Mission find myself without any stupid man by my side" I whispered angrily and she sighed.

"Come on, let's go. Pretend everything is alright and I'll go confront her now" Annabella said and I nodded.

It's time.

I went down stairs after spending hours trying to hid my puffy eyes.

Andre didn't sleep at home last night, nobody knows where he went but he is today looking as dashing as ever in a blue golf shirt and white shirts, his brown hair gelled back but there was something missing.

His smile.

His eyes locked with mine and I immediately looked away then wentnover to my brother who was rolling his eyes at whatever Kayla said.

"Take your fakeness somewhere else please" Tyler said to Kayla who just looked him up and down then left as I joined them.

"How is she my relative?" Tyler asked as I stood besides him.

"Don't worry, she isn't your relative anymore" I said with a lazy shrug.

"What do you mean sis?"He asked.

"Don't mom, infact don't tell anyone but Andre broke up with me and I never be associated with him anymore. This life...it isn't for me Tyler and I'm just done at this point" I said then took a deep breathe and walked to the kitchen where I grabbed a wine glass and poured myself a full glass which gulped down in a few seconds.

"You better not be going back to your old ways" I heard mom voice as I was about to drink another full glass.

"Mom" I said quietly then leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Audrey, I'm worried about you. Let me in sweetie, please" Mom said and carefully stood next to me.

"It's nothing mom, just marriage stuff which you would find ridiculous " I said then released a dry chuckle.

"You and Andre should talk over your problems, marriage is a once in a life time beautiful thing and a few lucky ones experience it once, I unfortunately wasn't a lucky one as I lost my first love but I met another man who loves so I guess I'm kind of lucky but you get the point?" Mo masked then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Mom, I get the point but I am part of the lucky few. Andre and I have broken up and after I expose Nicky, I want to divorce him and leave this life behind because its not for me" I shaked my tears off as I felt jy eyes water once again.

Mom didn't say anything, she just stood with me quietly holding my hand whilst I downed the wine.

Maybe that's enough, if I have more I'd be back in rehab and I don't want that.

"She fell for it, here you go" Annabella handed me the USB stick which had a video of Nicky's confession as well as a segment of the voice note which was in my phone.

I grinned then hugged her and released her as soon as I did so.

I quickly put the USB stick in the laptop that connected to the projector.

"Everyone, attention" I called out through the mic and everyone turned to me.

"Nicky, this is for you. I just wanted to thank you for giving the Hamptons a beautiful blessing and gift! And thank yo ufor saving me from labour's pains and all. I put together a little something that honors your memories from when you first told us you were pregnant until now. Everyone settle down, especially you missus" I said then went to seat besides Thomas Silverman who kept glancing at Annabella weirdly.

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