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I hum to 'make daddy proud' by blackbear as I put on my clothes.

I woke up a while ago, took a quick shower because I felt lazy today, and now I'm currently getting dressed.

Today is the day I meet grace for the first time, no I'm not nervous, Lucas said she's quite a lovable person, so I'm looking forward to meeting her actually.

I wore black shorts and a yellow over sized shirt with a blue butterfly imprint along with my black fluffy slippers, let's not forget my Adidas white socks.

Actually they were once Andre's socks which he abandoned yesterday.

I found this little white pair of socks laying on the floor, looking fragile and cold and they needed me so I became their hero and saved them from possible danger.

Take it as adopting kids from a toxic household. Andre being the toxic one in my example.

Now, what to do with my tangled hair.

Guess I'm having bad hair day, i grabbed my black bonnet and put it over my hair, guess this is my best friend for the day.

Satisfied with how I look like I head down stairs.

I'm quite starving.

I find Andre eating oatmeal in the kitchen, he's literally standing and eating.

I knew it. He's not from this world, greats standing up. Ok, eating snacks while standing I get butt eating a whole meal while standing, I don't get.

I grab a bowl and power the disgusting looking oatmeal, I mean I can't have bacon for breakfast everyday.

I'll grow fat, I'm not working out, heck I'm not even employed, so I guess I must eat what the one who works eats.

I grabbed milk and poured a little in the oatmeal then mixed it in then poured milk again while mixing until the oatmeal became  soft and watery but it wasn't runny which meant I did my job quite well.

Gordon Ramsay should just employ me already.

I take a seat on the kitchen stools opposite Andre who nodded at me.

I nodded back. Yeah I can be tough too pretty boy.

Andre was on the phone with someone, his features looked stressed with eyes closing and opening.

"Yeah I know, just for this two days then you can com over"

He paused for a bit then sighed.

"Ok sure, yeah, ok I'll come soon"

Paused again then hung and muttered "fuck"


My curious self asked. "Who is it that got you worked up?"

He looked at me the scratched the back of his neck.

"It's uh- Nicky" he said then sighed. " I'll tell you everything when your friends leave, uhm I gotta go, I'll see you later" with that being said he left.


"Noooooooo, you fool, Ainsley is not genuine, go for thando!!!!!" I practically scream at the TV because nick chose Ainsley who just find him hot over thando who is genuinely looking to know him more and has actual feelings for him.

A tear drops from my eye as I watched thando not to cry as Ainsley and nick share a kiss Infront of her.

Love is a freaked up thing, oh thando, I feel you babe.

I'm currently watching 'too hot to handle' while trying to pass time as I'm still waiting for grace and Lucas.

My phone rings besides me, Lucas's name pops up and I smile as I pick up the call.

"Yo, security won't let us in, mind speaking to them"

"Sure" I heard shuffling as Lucas passed his phone to the security.

"Goodday ma'am" sounds like David, he is a security I'm quite fond of.

"Hi, they are my guests, I'll come get them just left them in and tell them to wait for me by the security house" I tell him

"Oh ok Mrs hampton"

With that being said, I hung then put on my slippers, went up stairs to get my keys then drove passed like 10 house or more to get to the security gate.

Every house in this place was very far apart and each house was unique on its own, whitney houston's house is like 25 blocks away from my house.

Pretty cool right?

I finally arrive at the security house, it's a white cottage which is quite spacious, I once went inside when I decided to leave the house to go for a jog and the security thought I was a trespasser so I had to wait in the cottage while I waited for andre to come fetch me that's how I grew find of david the security.

The cottage has one room and bathroom and that's about it, it's all wood inside but painted white outside.

I guess the white bmw belonged to Lucas, I hooted at them and made a u-turn to go back the same way I came with them following hot on my tail.

Finally we arrived and parked besides me.

I got out of my car there stood Lucas next to a blonde haired lady.

Lucas looked different, he was still tall and muscular but his hair was dyed a jet black colour making his emerald green eyes pop out more, damn, his jaw is more sharp.

He wore a maroon shirt that hugged his upper body and black cargo pants along with black sneakers.

He smiled then walked towards me to hug me, we shared a familiar hug.

"Look at you, already glowing since I last saw you, bun in the oven?" He asked.

"Oh please Lucas, this glow  is from eating I've been making, there's no bun in the oven" I laughed.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, by the way I'd like for you to meet the most important woman besides my mother in my life-" Lucas walked back to grace whose bump was visible.

Wow. She's quite a bombshell.

Grace is a few inches shorter than I am, she wore a short black dress with an exposed back,has short dirty blonde hair which she had pulled into a neat low ponytail, she had blue eyes and a petite body, I guess pregnancy looks good on her, I mean I didn't even notice her bump when I stood further away from her, a body hers is to die for.

"Hi, I've heard so much about you, audrey right?" She flashed her perfectly straight white teeth at me.

I suddenly felt conscious of what I wore, what my body looked like, let's not even talk about teeth.

I'm not gonna show her my teeth.

I smile politely then shook her hand " yes, nice to meet you too, I'm so glad you guys made it here, Andre has gone out for a while but he'll be back later" i said after I opened the door for them.

Their mouths hung open but grace shut hers as soon as it opened.

Guess they like the house.

" You're married to Thee andre hampton right?" She asked after i guided them to the sofas.

"Yeah I am" I chuckled awkwardly

"I knew I'd seen you from that interview you guys had a while ago" she said and Lucas narrowed his eyes at her but she ignores him.

Her eyes held mischief and as she was about to say something else then door opened revealing Andre who had held a corona and black glasses in the same hand.

Grace beamed and got up abruptly.

I have a feeling that this will be the longest two days of my life.


What do you guys think about grace?
Is it still early to tell what kind of person she is?

Anyhoo, I hope you liked this chapter, idek what chapter this is as I don't keep a track of my chapters , I just write stuff lmao.

Have a great day y'all's.

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