movies and proposals

801 14 3

I have to do this.

I have to do this.

I have to do this.

I have to do-

"Audrey!!!" My best friend since middle school snapped her fingers right in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes-yes what?" I asked blinking.

"Adam is here girl " she exclaimed and rushed out of my room to her room and came back with a purse in her hand.

"Here you go Rey, ohh and I put some condom packets in there just in case you both get too horny" she chuckled at the last words.

"Just coz you plan on giving Conan some doesn't mean I'll give Adam some" I applied my lip gloss and brushed my romper one more time.

I grabbed Adam's cardigan and wrapped it around my waiste and grabbed heathers purse which she brought for me.

We have been sharing an apartment since freshman year and last year we graduated but still decided to live in our apartment until we are ready to settle down.

"Byeeee, and don't make a lot of noise for the neighbors with Conan" I said as I walked to the door to a grinning Adam who looked devishingly handsome, his long hair was pulled back in a small bun, he wore a white shirt which hugged him nicely and black ripped jeans with Nike sneakers and he also wore a black bleazer which was folded to his elbows.

"Babee" I whined hugging him tightly "I missed you" I inhaled his scent of a strong cologne which smelled like apple ciders.

"Booboo you saw me like 2hours ago" his body vibrated against my face. I released him and he caught my wrists pulling me towards him, he bent his head down so that our foreheads were touching and he leaned in for a gentle kiss.

Oh, the love I have for this man!

Someone cleared their throat and I looked over Adam's shoulder to find a grining Conan.

"Ohhh hey an" I said grinning like a idiot,he hates it when I call him 'an' and I only call him that to annoy him.


"Babe! Audrey's calling me 'an' again!" Conan walking through the door holding a single pink rose.

"Audrey, call him that one more time and I will love more than I do now" heather came from her room wearing a black mid thigh dress,her brown curls bouncing as she speed walks to Conan throwing her arms around his neck and pecking him.

"Babe, you and ur friend are hash tag thee worst!" Conan exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

Adam chuckled besides me.

"But you love me" heather said twirling her hair.

"Nope. you love me" Conan said licking his bottom lip.

"Nah, I dislike you but u are too in love with me" heather amusingly said.

"Ohk, ohk, love birds we are going make sure she locks the door when y'all go OK?" I asked and Conan nodded.

Adam and I went his Audi A4 and drove away to the movies, I have to do this.

I have to tell him what mom told me on the phone today.


Heather is sometimes careless ugh!

who leaves the door unlocked in the night.

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