yelling episode

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Audrey's pov

"Did you get the blue cups?" I asked Annabella, who was ticking some decor off the list with the help of the party planner.

"Mhm," Annabella responded.

My phone rang, and my lips instantly curled up.

"Hello, Mrs hampton, I mean Melissa.. Have you reached LA yet?" I asked.

"Yes dear, we have been waiting for over an hour at the airport that even your parents ended up arriving as well as we're all here waiting for the driver to show up," Mrs. Hampton stressed politely whilst my eyes bolted up to meet Annabella's own awkward eyes.

She and I forgot to get a driver for our families.

"Oh uhh, about that...I'll come get you all, I'll be there in fifteen." I stressed and was to go when Mrs.hampton and other voices laughed.

"This was a prank, when your parents flight arrived we figured you forgot to get a driver for each of us so we booked on online, oh how great it is to be in a generation that has technology" she laughed and I joined in as well.

My laugh was more of a relieved laugh than it was a genuine one.

"Had me scared me there for a minute, I'll see you soon Mrs.hamp-Melissa," I said, and we said our goodbyes. Then I hung up and looked at Annabella, who laughed at my reaction.

"Ok, let's get back to work. .
"It's so good to see you, love," Mrs. Hampton said as I brought everyone bottled water.

The whole family was here for Nicky's baby shower and will be staying until her fake birth.

The plan is to expose her in front of everyone, but we plan to keep the matter off the media hence its gonna be a family event, and nobody besides close friends and family is invited.

Annabella will take Audrey to the guest to confront her about the fake pregnancy where a camera will be placed to record her confession because Annabella will make sure to get one as she will tell Nicky about the voice note on my phone and will push her into confessing, Annabella will then pretend to symphatise with her by hating on me and telling her she knew she was never pregnant but it made Andre happy and so on.

I actually can't wait for the plan to take place, I just want the fake bitch outta my house. Yes, my house where my husband and I will eventually grow like to love.

Andre is a good man and I believe I will eventually love him.

"Sis in law, where is the future Hampton mama" the most annoying and youngest member of the Hampton, Kayla, questioned and I shrugged and proceeded talking to my step dad.

Nicky finally graced us with her presence as we were all prepping dinner in the kitchen.

I couldn't tell if she was pregnant or not, that's how good she hid her secret.

I can't believe I allowed my friends to try a friendship with this snake. I tsk'ed in my head then continued mixing the salad.

We all then sat at the table in the living room and said grace fore we started eating.

"When is Andre coming back? I mean since the baby shower is in two days?"
Mr.Hampton asked.

"He's coming back tomorrow and you all better act surprised when he comes in because he doesn't know you all are here nor does he know about the shower" Annabella said as she pointed her fork at everyone who chuckled.

We spoke about almost everything and anything and we eventually called it a night.

Conan and Heather spent the night in my room and I made them swear to me they wouldn't have sex on my bed which they agreed to. They didn't even look like they'd have sex anyways, their vibe was weird and as much they both flaster3d on fake smiles and hoped I don't see through them I still did. They probably had a fight on the way here and knowing how stubborn they both are I doubt they'd get to being normal in a day.

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