the endless suprises

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Audrey's pov

Andre hosted a small intimate party for the familia, which is great but i feel a bit uncomfortable with  anabella starring at me like she would swallow me with her eyes any second now.

Suddenly she got a call and left hurriedly to the kitchen and out the kitchen door.

That was weird. Out of curiosity I decided to follow her, I mean curiousity killed the cat right?

My feet became glued to floor and my hands flew to my mouth and my eyes grew wide.

So it was her!

She's the one I saw in that video. Thats why she felt so familiar when I first saw her, and the guy she's hugging looks alot like the guy in the video with her.


I just found out Anabella Hamptons dirty little secret, who knew such a woman who portrayed himself an angel Infront of her family is actually a cheater and has a secret sexual video that got leaked.

Who would've known.

I mean even I watched the video by chance and by mistake, heather showed it to me back in sophomore year in college when she was scrolling through her bird app.

If she dare try to make me feel any small I'll let her know I know her little secret.

I felt a hand snake around my waist and pull me closer. I tilted my head up and the face of my husband was in view.

He was not looking at me but he held a really fake yet loving smile on his face.

I never noticed how Adrian has small nose hairs and it seems his stubble is growing.

He's actually more handsome upclose now that I'm like looking at his features so closely.

"Ahh, the love birds" Damon said. He had a glass of congac in hand as he approached with Melissa.

Melissa looks more like Adrian than Derek does.

They both matched with their cream white coloured clothing, while Adrian's father wore a one layer lace casual dress shirt and some white short trousers with slippers. Exactly as I remember him.

Melissa wore a white flowy dress with white heels and she had her hair tied back into a ponytail, she looked younger than her age.

Mother of none. Three words to describe how she looked.

"How did u find us dad?" Adrian smile with a fake disappointed look.

Damon then slapped the top of his head with his free hand.

I let out a snort as it caught me of guard.

"Dad, you're making me a joke Infront of my wife" Adrian pouted which made him look cute.

Nope. It didn't. He looks hideous. Yes, like a very ugly looking frog.

"Stop behaving childish-" Melissa said and Damon pulled his tongue at Adrian and Melissa rolled her eyes "- the both of you." She firmly and they both composed themselves.

"Anyway, I hope you've been keeping my daughter in law safe and happy" Melissa said then reached out to caress my cheek in a motherly way.

"You look very beautiful my dear" she said with a soft smile then Damon pulled Adrian way after a brief eye contact between the himself and Melissa.

Melissa then lead me to the balcony where the sun had begun to set, I loved how the three colours were in line in the sky, ranging from blue, to purple, and finally yellow.

It was a rainbow, it gives a sense that despite bad days a rainbow, well more like a substitute of a rainbow will always be there.

I don't know if I'm trying to make myself feel better with whatever I just said or if I'm actually gonna apply to become a motivational speaker.

I think it's best I leave the  motivating to motivational speakers.

"The sky is beautiful right?" Melissa started as she balanced herself if the silver railings of the balcony.

Wow this house is tall.

"Yes, it's very beautiful, I like how the colours are like, how cool it is and just the whole atmosphere of today" I answered with my eyes closed feeling the warm yet cold air on my face.

Paradise I tell u.

"I had the same thoughts" she said then I opened my eyes and she had hers closed.

I smiled while looking at, the fact that she's feeling the peace I'm feeling, without being fake about it.

Wow. Not even heather likes the weather like this, she prefers summers, ofcourse it's summer now but it's nearing automn hence it's a bit windy despite being kinda warm.

"I saw your interview with Adrian" she said casually then opened her eyes to face me.

I looked down then answered, "oh"

"Yeah, i studied you and you seemed out of place, am I right or just overthinking?" She said with concern on her face.

"No,no, you're not overthinking anything, I do feel out of place, I mean I'm not used to having the attention of millions of people in me, I just like, I'm still not used to this despite being married for some months now and like everything is just overwhelming, the whole we hate you thing from Adrian's fans is just fraustrating, the whole Nicki thing and hostesses coming after me, like I just, I-" I ranted then cupped my cheeks with my hands.

Melissa grabbed my hands and said, "hush now, I know, I understand you sweetheart, I know the pressure to be perfect is high, but you should remain as you were and are don't let anyone tell you to be like this or that, don't fall for that, I know you didn't get enough time to know Adrian better, and j apologize from both your parents side and me, I so sorry Audrey, but I want you to know anything you want to talk about I'll always be here." She then hugged and involuntarily I cried on her shoulders.

"Hush now, I'm actually proud of you Audrey, I'm proud that you still held your head high despite having you husband being shipped with an ex you're really strong my dear" she rubbed smooth circles on my back while saying sweet words to soothe my pained heart.

I kind of wish, Adam was here and Mrs Renae was the one hugging me and comforting me.

I'm really sorry Adam. I'll always lo-.

Why can't I finish the word I used to easily say to damn?


Hi guys😣

I'm so sorry I've been so off here, I've got prelim exams coming up and I've been preparing for that but other wise I'm really sorry I couldn't balance my things.

Thank you guys for keeping with the book!!

Like a whole 1k readssssss, like whatttttttt, i- like I don't have the words to express my gratitude.

And as a gift to say thank you  for y'all will be five chapters in a day.

From the characters of this book and from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys so much.

Please don't forget to vote and comment as your comments keep me encouraged and motivated to go on writing.

Have a great day!!!!!!❣️

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