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Audrey's pov

I opened my eyes only to close them as I got blinded by the light right above me.

I turned my head to the side then opened my eyes slowly, a headache was forming.

Where am I?

"Oh, Mrs.hampton, you're awake, I'll go call the doctor" a nurse who had opened the door said as she noticed me wondering where I am.

Doctor. Hospital.

The door opened once again and in came Heather, Morgan, Sydney and Bailey with their phone in their hands.

Morgan put her phone in the back pocket of her skinny jeans as she hugged me.

"Oh thank God, that bastard didn't hit you so bad, he almost burst your eye open" Morgan said analyzing me while cringing.

"This is my best friend. You all know her, Audrey Hampton, Andre Hamptons wife, she was brutally harassed by an ex, and as a bestfriend I feel what she's going through" Heather said with sigh then passed her phone to Bailey who recorded me on the hospital bed.

Heather approached me and gave me a tight hug then started crying.

"Oh bestie, I'm so sorry" she said, then she wiped under her eyes, I honestly didn't see tears but her eyes where a little bit red.

"Oh my gosh, Heather we're at 40k, this live with Audrey is so popular" Bailey said as she turned off the live video.

The nurse came back in to help me up then she gave me some pain killers and the doctor discharged me an hour later.

Morgan drove me to the police station while Heather, Bailey and Sydney went back to the apartment.

Adam apparently pressed charges against Conan and Tyler who beat him to a pulp after he mistakenly almost burst my eye.

"Goodday officer, I'm here for Conan Sprouse and Tyler Saunders?" I asked the lady officer who looked at me up and down before chuckling a bit.

"Aren't ya Andre Hamptons wife?" She eyed me up and down with distaste in her voice.

"Y-yeah...can I bail my brother and bestfriend?" I quietly asked.

"No, sorry bye " she said and I turned to leave as my anger rose to the brim and I didn't wanna assault a police officer.

"Excuse me!" Morgan yelled getting the attention of other officers.

"Can I bail someone out please!" She yelled again then a male officer came to out aid and led us to his office.

"Bail will be $5000 for each men otherwise, wait until the court date to hear the verdict of how long Mr.Sprouse and Mr.Saunders will be in jail for or if they are to be found guilty" The officer said then took a long sip of his coffee.

"Unacceptable! What about the man that laid the charges, why wasn't he charged!? He assaulted my friend, he knocked her out for almost five hours officer, we would like to lay charges against that man" Morgan argued with fire burning in her eyes.

I think she cares about me, and I love it.

"Yes man, a police report can filled but the man in question is currently in hospital due to injuries sustained from both men, even if we charge him he'd be given house arrest for up to a year and six months if lucky, now if you guys are gone I'd like to get back to my lunch break before it ends" he rudely dismissed us.
"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have come here" I covered my face with palms.

"It's not your fault Audrey, your brother and Conan wouldn't just to and attack your ex without a reason" Morgan reasoned then pressed number 3 on the elevator buttons.

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