Missing him

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Audrey's pov

It's been officially a month without talking to Andre.

He didn't call. He texted me once, telling me how he's very busy for me basically.

I gave up calling him because my calls either go straight to voice-mail. He ignores them or straight-up hangs up on me.

Two weeks ago. He answered my call, but i think it was a mistake because I heard kissing sounds in the background could've been from a scene he was shooting, but it didn't sound like that.

I've become rather obsessed with him ever since he started ignoring me.

It's strange how Nicky and I became close when he started acting like I didn't exist.

He even calls her and never me, she doesn't even answer his calls when I'm in the room, I bet she pities me and she's never asked anything about it which I'm thankful for because I wouldn't know how to reply her.

It hurts, having to stalk his instagram since he is quite active on there.

One of the selfies he posted was one with Brandon and another brown haired woman, with a sharp nose and blue eyes, she stood very close to him as her arms were wrapped around his stomach and her head laid on his chest whilst Brandon had his arm around Andre's shoulder.

I swallowed hard and then switched off my phone. With a sigh, I got up to go downstairs to Nicky's room to ask if she wanted to watch a movie with me.

Shes basically my only friend as both Isha and Jessica have gone dead silent on me, and apparently, they don't talk as well.

Nicky will be going for a scan in a week and I won't be able to join her as Annabella is flying here to be with her friend as she is around 4-5months, I'm not really sure.

I wore my fluffy white shoes and headed downstairs to her room, but I stopped in my track as I overhead her speak to someone over call.

"It's been over two weeks since I ordered that damn simulation pregnant belly!" Nicky whisper yelled.

-" Fine, fine! I give you two days to deliver it or else I will review your shop bad and you know my influence. Remember my name, Nicky Rodriguez, " she said, then hung up and screamed in a pillow whilst I tiptoed back upstairs.

Why would she need a fake pregnancy belly? Oh my, has she been lying this entire time?

I need to figure out what's going on in her mind, and I can only do this through our little friendship.

I decided to take a shower to let my mind lose off of many things.

>cough cough, Andre<

Maybe I could try calling him again, although it's guaranteed he might not answer my call since he's busy kissing women in London.

He made empty promises to me, he promised to call me every night and morning, yet he declined my calls or doesn't bother to call me back.

I harshly turned off the water and wrapped myself in his white large towel.

In fact, this is my last time in his room! I can't be here sleeping in the bed of someone who has obviously broken ip with me without telling me.

I've always known he was crazy about Nicky but when he told me he likes me i believed him and although at first my plan was to use him as a scapegoat to forget about the whole Adam thing, I find myself yearning more and more for him.

Could be the distance making me feel this way, or maybe how his charming smile always manages to melt me inside, or how he has treated me despite Nicky and I not liking each other, could be his body I just wish I could lick his abs slowly whilst locking eyes with him.

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