whatever dude

203 7 0

Audrey's pov

I was currently in the kitchen making breakfast since I had gotten up earlier than everyone.

I was preparing eggs, sausages and bacon along with some toast and mango juice.

I placed the plates on the table and as I turned to grab the food I crashed into someone, my eyes flicked to the face of Andre who pouted.

His lips were pretty pink and glossy, why the heck do they look like this and mine don't even look close to being this good looking.

I closed my eyes then tried to move away from him to get the food.

Keyword: tried

Andre grabbed my waist and pulled me hard into his chest and I unconsciously gulped.

He tilted my chin up to face him.

"Not even a good morning to your dearest husband?" He said, his hot minty morning breathe fanned my face.

I just started at him, without any reaction, I swear not to talk to him until he apologizes and promises to not make decisions for me.

"Why you not talking wifey?" He said then showed me a goofy smile, which I found really cute.

But Adam's smile was cuter and charming to see.

I rolled my eyes then wiggled my way out of his grip, after finally being released I went to the kitchen grabbed the sausages and bacon, I placed them in the center of the table then grabbed the toast and juice and ofcourse some butter.

I mean what's a toast without butter.

Finally Brandon, Jessica and amber woke up, I gave all of them spare toothbrushes then borrowed Jessica some of my clothes and amber remained in her clothes since they were still clean.

Since Brandon came here all the time, he changed into his own clothes from Andre's closet.

We all sat down for breakfast, amber was being cute as always and I noticed how Brandon and Jessica got along pretty well, as if they had an instant connection.

My eyes unconsciously met with Andre's eyes, he mouthed 'do you see it too?'

I smiled and secretly nodded. A budding romance between both our friends.

After breakfast Jessica and amber had to go and since I drove with them here, they told a friend to get their car at the ice cream shop parking lot meaning I'm their ride back home.

But I had an idea in mind.

I wrapped my hands on my stomach and screamed from the top of lungs, Andre looked at me weirdly while everyone looked at me with concern.

"What's wong princess?" Amber asked as she came to my aid.

"I-i- ahhhh- I think, it's something I ate, let get my car keys and we'll go" I grabbed my keys off of the counter.

Hehe, time for the cherry on top of the dessert.

I screamed once more then collapsed on the floor without any crying in fake agony.

Andre knelt down next to me and I winked at him, he smiled as if he got what I intended for him to do.

He masked his expression then faced Brandon.

"Yo man can you please take Jessica and amber back to their house, please man, I need to take her to the hospital" Andre said with a panicking voice.

I see why he got the award for best male actor.

"S-sure man,let's go Jess" Brandon said.

"Mommy will princess be ok?" Amber asked as she looked back at me.

"Yes princess, she will be" she then looked at me, I winked at her and she opened her eyes in double size then proceeded to glare at me.

She knows she likes that. Don't act like you don't like girly.

Finally they left, so I got up from floor and started going up the stairs to my room since Jessica helped me clean the table.

"Wait!" Andre said but I proceeded up the stairs as if I didn't hear him.

I heard his footsteps rushing up the stairs to catch up with me.

He stopped Infront of me.

I rolled my eyes and was about to curve him and finish my journey to my room, when he grabbed my waist once more.

My hands landed on his chest, mind you we are at the top of the stair case.

When I heard the sound of a click, I looked up at Andre who took a selfie with one hand while the other was wrapped around my waist.

I pushed him, but not to hard as to let alone get hurt.

He released me and I somehow found myself missing the warmth of his arm around my waist.

"What do you freaking want!?" I snapped and he smiled.

"Finally got the oh so stubborn Audrey to speak to me today" he liked my side in saying that but I just kissed my teeth and stared the clown Infront of me.

"Fine, look, I wanted to apologize for creating an Instagram account in your name, that too posting your pictures without any of your concern-" he paused then grabbed a folded paper from his pocket of his black sweats then put it in my hand.

"-this is the password and username of your official Instagram account, i swear I never meant to do this behind your back, I just wanted people to not hate you by sharing our fake love to the public" he said and he was about to walk downstairs when I called out his name.

"Yeah?" He turned to face me.

I mean, he did seem genuine, I should forgive him right. He even gave me the passwords and username, and he seems to be remorseful.

"I don't care whether your fans love or hate me, besides we'll divorce you soon don't worry, when we got married you made sure i knew where I stood in your life and I did the same, so Andre I couldn't care less what your fans think of me. But thanks for the apology, it's accepted, so do you like continue dinner  " I gave him a smile wgich he returned.

"As long as you're cooking, it's a yes" he said and I nodded then we both went out separate ways, I, to my room and him downstairs to the gym I assume.

I felt giddy for some reason.

When we have bad bays we should remember the good ones exist too.

................... .....................................................

Hiiiii guys!!!

Firstly I'd like to thank y'all for over 700reads, like it's the most views I've ever gotten on any book, so thank you guys so much for the support and interest in reading this book.

I hope it's not cliché as I don't want to make it cliché.

And I promise I'll post more chapters in the coming days, I've decided to post two chapters every other day.

Like on Saturday(today) and again on Monday, I try as much as I can to publish chapters but I guess being a senior in hs is no child's play.

Again thank y'all, and enjoy the rest of ur day.

Btw don't forget to vote and comment! Pweady pwease, amber is asking on behalf of me, so please don't refuse her cute self.

Ohk bye now!

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