leave my house

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Andre's Pov

"Have you told her yet?" Nicki asked on the line.

"No...not yet, I don't know how to tell her you'll be moving in with us"

"But you have to, anyway, I should be coming there whether or not she knows, she's nothing but just a fake wife, I'll be coming whether you told her or not, I will not bare this pregnancy alone Andre" Nicki shouted.

"Nicki, baby, listen, I will tell her once these people leave, I promise, I'll tell her you're moving in and that you're pregnant..ok?"

"Whatever Andre" with that being said she hung.

These woman in my life are the type of drama I never wanted.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a clap of hands.

I turned then came face to face with Lucas, who stood in front of me clapping his hands with a clenched jaw.

"You.fucking.prick" he said in a low dangerous voice, as if he was warning me or something.

"What!?" I asked confused.

Wait, did he her my conversation?

Oh no.

I stumbled back as I felt a sharp blow on my right cheek.

This prick just fucking punched me.

I composed myself then pushed his chest, he also stumbled back.

Then pushed me back with more force as I slipped and fell on my back.

He quickly got on me then started punching my face, blow after blow.

Finally I got the chance to flip the scripts as I now got on top of him.

I then threw multiple punches on his face until blood oozed from his mouth.

I got up then kicked his abdomen, he took that as a chance to trip me.

Now I fell on my stomach then he got on my back and I knew I then I would either pass out or suffer severe brain damage.

In worse cases, I may die.

Suddenly he was pulled off me then a gentle helped me up.

I must look like crap, I know the guy thrashed me more than I thrashed him.

"Oh my gosh, Lucas, look what you did to my husband!? What is wrong with you two!? Why did you guys even fight in the first place!?" Audrey yelled.....well more like screamed....that too at the top of her lungs.

"I think you're behind this" grace, I think, shouted at Audrey while glaring at her.

Ohhk, she seems to not be a big fan of Audrey.

"What!? How am I behind this grace!?" Audrey asked in a suspiciously calm voice.

Grace walked over to where Audrey and I stood then stood right Infront of Audrey.

"Because you're a whore, who secretly wants to be with Lucas, I'm sure Andre found out about this hence he fought with my Lucas for fucking nothing" grace yelled.

Audrey flinched, I watched as Audrey's face turned red and her hands were clenching.

"What'd you call me?" Audrey asked in low voice.

Iher voice was not even calm anymore.

"A fucking whore bitch" grace took a step towards Audrey.

Firstly, this grace woman is pregnant and she's initiating to fight with Audrey.

I wouldn't do that if I were her. I've seen how Audrey thrashed Nicki.

She might even go to jail if she dare lays a finger on grace.

Lucas walked over to grace and tried pulling her back.

He didn't even say anything to Audrey nor did he try to stop grace from insulting Audrey.

"Bitch, your pregnant but I know how to beat pregnant ass like yours, while making sure not to harm the baby, if you get what I mean" Audrey smiled.

Woah! What a hot yet creepy smile.

Grace pushed Lucas away then slapped Audrey.

Ok, she's dead.

Rest in power grace.

Audrey stilled with a clenched jaw.

"You stupid 'how do I identify myself as whore' " grace said with a disgusted tone.

"Lucas, leave my house, along with this bitch of yours before I get arrested" Audrey warned.

Lucas understood, he glanced up at her with an apologetic look.

He grabbed grace and tried to lead her upstairs but grace stilled didn't budge instead she kept on trying to fight with Audrey.

Audrey snapped then pushed her so hard, even I thought grace would loose her baby, but grace didn't fall as Audrey held her hand to prevent her from falling on her back.

Lucas looked so horrified that he finally snapped at the girls.

"Enough! Both of you! Audrey you could've killed my baby and grace it would've been you're fault. Grace why would you think of another woman like that, I saw a different side of you today and I don't love this side, you're a good woman grace, who is this I'm seeing today" Lucas snapped.

"This is my possessive side, have you seen how she looks at you!? Have you seen the lust in her eyes!?" Grace yelled.

" What the fuck grace! Seriously she's my friend, a good one at that, had we both felt something for each other, we wouldn't have come here, she would've fought with you and confirmed that she does feel something for me!" Lucas yelled.

Grace scoffed "oh really, don't stand there and tell me this nonsense whereas we both know the fight you've just had with Andre was all because if that bitch!" Grace yelled then stomped her foot.

Wait, even adults stomp their foot when arguing.

I should try it.

"Yes the fight was about audrey! But it was because andre fucking got his ex pregnant and wants her to move in with them! And as a good friend, I fought for my friend, your fucking dumb, let's go grace, you've already done enough damage-" Lucas then looked at me with hatred in his eyes " your a huge piece of shit"

With that being said grace silently followed behind Lucas to the guest room.

Audrey had her eyes closed and was breathing in and out heavily.

My cheeks were hurting and I'm sure I got a bruise on my lips.

After a few minutes Lucas came downstairs with holding this luggage.

He stood infront of audrey then looked at with apologetic eyes " I'm so sorry audrey, for everything" he then hugged her unresponsive body.

Then left.

Audrey soon left after they did.

I think nicki being pregnant is a sign that I need to seriously find adam and fix things between him and Audrey.


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