mean girls

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Audrey's pov

"Let's go to pink" Anabelle beamed and we all simultaneously followed her.

We've been to three shops already and all I did was sit and watch like nobody even asked my opinion.

"Girls guess who asked me out" jayla the girl with dirty blonde excitedly said and they all nodded their heads.

"Brandon!" She smiled and Susan laughed but her laugh was a bit force like even a deaf person could tell.

"What!?...Brandon as in Brandon moon...Andre's best friend and best film and series director in like five countries!"Susan asked with shock laced in her voice.

"Yess and he gave me his black card" jayla held the card in between her fingers"and Imma buy some sexy lingerie for him" she said as she checked out some lingerie.

Anabelle came back with 4 lingeries,one was a green set the other was black and the rest were orange and pink

"This are like the best quality and hashtag thee. hottest in the store" Susan said in behalf of Anabelle who had been on the phone with her husband.

"Guys since I'm like buying a lingerie for my date Tommorow how about we all buy for our boyfriends and husband's" jayla suggested

"Yeah,I'll buy for my boyfriend and girlfriend"Susan chuckled, she's such a player lol!

"My husband is most definitely getting some tonight" Anabelle said and they all laughed

"My Breanna is so loving this" Kayla held out a grey lingerie which seems like it didn't even cover the boobs at all

"Eve what about u?" Kayla asked and eve smiled as she looked down at her growing baby.

"I don't need lingerie" eve answered softly, she looks tired, tired of standing.

I left the group and went to the one of the workers

"Excuse me, ma'am'" I tapped the workers shoulder and she turned around to face me with a fake smile

" friend over there is pregnant and where we are standing there is no sofa's or chairs so could u please bring one for her, that'd be very appreciated" I said and she nodded.

She got the chair and followed me back to the group

"I'm getting this pink one for my baby boo Andre" Sofia said loudly which caused me to roll my eyes.

The worker tapped Eve's shoulder and eve softly smiled and thanked her for the chair...the chair looked sooo comfortable and atleast she can rest her legs.

"Thank u Audrey...I saw u talking to that worker" eve smiled at me and I just shrugged and brushed it off besides the girls were about to pay for their clothes

As we all walked out of the store Eve's phone vibrated then she turned to us .

"I have to go guys,I've got a date with lan and he's already waiting outside the mall for me so byee" she said and then walked away towards the elevator.

The girls, i mean the mean girls and I went to a fancy restaurant, i didn't even check what the name of the restaurant but it was what I had expected judging by the design of black and gold, with fairy lights hung up in the ceiling.

We were treated by a really polite waiter and he led us to our booth.

Kayla was seated in between Anabelle and I while Susan sat opposite me and next to Jayla.

"Good afternoon...what can I get for u?" The waiter I now know as jack asked with a note pad in hand.

"Can I get white wine with a ceaser salad" Kayla ordered.

"Can I get the same but with a chicken salad" anabelle said.

"Can we both have vegan burgers with pink sparkling tonic water" Jayla said in behalf of her and Susan.

All eyes now looked at me,i gulped and smilled politely at jack.

"I'll have red wine and a cheese burger with extra barbeque sauce and make it a double cheese please" I said, proudly satisfied with my order.

After jack left to get our orders, the girls looked at me with disbelief.

"Did you seriously just order, carbs on top of fat on top of calories!?" Anabelle said with shock laced in her voice.

"Uhm yeah, it's really good" I said.

"Audrey, you understand, you're an actor's wife! My brother's wife, u certainly cannot eat that" Kayla said after taking a sip of her water.

"Why not!?" I asked in confusion.

"Because Audrey! You gonna be fat and we-" Susan paused then pointed at each of the girls " we don't except fat people nor do we like people who eat animals!" She finished her sentence with a snap.

"Yeah we-" Jayla got cut off by my phone ringing, great! Saved by the ringtone.


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