Plan A

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Nicky's pov

I paced back and forth in my penthouse as I thought about what Audrey had the audacity to say.

She and Andre can and will never be together. Oh my gosh, has he figured out what I did!? Is it why he is pushing a relationship with that whore.

I mean, what does he see in her!? I paid Adam to go against the promise he made to his fiance and wife!

I never thought he would turn out to actually be so dumb as to allow his cover to be blown like that, as much as I'm glad I didn't oppose to Andre leaving for New york I'm angry with myself that I let him even develop a single feeling for her.

I'm beautiful and she's just average, what does he see in her that he doesn't see in me!

I fell pregnant for him, I know it was just for a month that I carried his child but still! I'm doing everything just to be with him and he turns on me like this!

I came to find out that he and Audrey have been calling day and night, I thought calling him infront of her would spark some jealousy but it didnt, instead that bitch just walked out the room and she had, again, the audacity of sleeping in my man's bed.

I honestly got there in time to hangup on Andre when he called her last night.

I need a plan because they will and cannot be together not when I'm still alive. I'm basically irrelevant without Andre and Audrey will not take that away from me.

I downed my ibruphen pills which my doctor prescribed to be, they honestly have made me feel better as I felt better after having painful cramps on my lower torso after having it done.

After drinking my pills, I went to my room to  room to video call Annabella, I told her everything and we both discussed way in which we'd get rid of Audrey from Andre's life.

Plan A would be to befriend Audrey, make her sympathize with me then find her weak spots and boom! We attack.

Plan B would be public infertility on Audrey's side if i got Peter Brooks to do it once, I can get him to do it again.

I then drove back to Andre's mansion. The first part of my plan is befriending Audrey.

The guards greeted me once I drove my car into the estate past security.

I took a deep breath before coming out of my car, I walked perfectly in my green six inch stilettos which made a loud clink sound as I walked inside the house.

I have my own key, so need to walk. I then sat down on one of white saddle barstool and waited for any movement coming downstairs.

I waited a good fifteen minutes before Audrey who looked decent in her black shorts and an oversized marvel t-shirt came downstairs heading to the kitchen, I quickly pulled out tissues from my purse and put some eye drops in my eyes to make it seem as if I was crying.

I acted startled and surprised when she came into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry, I should leave," I said quietly, praying she stops me.

I grabbed my purse and shoved some tissues back then took a deep breath before wiping my fake tears.

As I was walking away, I felt Audrey pull my wrist, and I threw myself into her arms and pretended to cry.

Poor Audrey rubbed my back and walked me to sofas in the living room when she hugged in a comforting way.

After some fake crying, I figured it was time to just stop crying and actually get her to sympathize with me using words.

I pulled away and looked her right in the eyes before talking.

"Last night, I'm sorry about last night," I whispered, then hung my head low.

She didn't say anything as she looked at me confused and eager to know why I've been crying.

"Well, Andre tried to break up with me now that I think about it, but then he left before he could. I've always loved Andre, and I believe this baby is proof of how much I loved him. I will no longer be a problem for you. If it is you whom he chooses, then so be it. I'm sorry for everything, Audrey. I never hated you, I was jealous of you because you married him and I didn't. Mrs. Hampton loves you, and she never liked me to begin with." I sighed, then wiped more tears.

Audrey put a comforting hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"I forgive you, Nicky, and I'm sorry too." She said, and I hugged her once more.

She is such a softie! Who knew that this sharp mouthed cat is actually a teddy bear inside.

Now that I've gotten her to "forgive" me, I can move on to stage talk.

"I want you in my baby's life, and I want to have at least a friendship with you for the sake of my baby. Well, our baby," I said, and she smiled.

"I guess we could, for the baby and Andre,"she said.

Then she got up and helped me up as well, and we both made our way to the kitchen where we began to make breakfast.

I had gluten-free bread with peanut butter and a cup of grapefruit juice whilst she had a whole English breakfast situation going on.

We chatted whilst eating, and I figured it was time to swap Andre's number with mine.

I pretended to wanna make a call and then sighed as I looked at her.

"Hey, can I use your phone? I have an important call to make to my agency, I have an appointment in five, and I don't think I will make it today, " I lied, and she nodded and then handed me her phone.

She opened it for me, and I left with both phones to the kitchen where I swapped Andre's number with mine, then blocked the number he used to call her with.

Step 2:done

I called Annabella from Audrey's so that she could see that i had a call to make.

"Yes, yes, thank you, bye," I said on the phone as i walked back to the living room.

She smiled at me, asking to have her phone back whilst I smiled at her because my plans were working.

I could talk to Andre, all I want, plant doubt in her mind. She's probably gonna be wondering why he calls me alone and not her.

Let the games begin, Audrey.


Well, hello there, pretty ppl!

What do you think about Nickys pov?

I smell drama coming up!!

Anyhoo, don't forget to vote and critize lol


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