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Andre's pov

Audrey went back to bed with. A broken heart.

Once again, my fans and people in the media had to bring her down.

For the first time in my life, I feel so helpless, I wanna be here for her as last time I wasn't there for her.

I should call my parents and let them know that these are all just rumors.

I should also call Brandon to help me handle the media to stop spreading these fake news.


I heard the doorbell ring and i didn't feel like going to see who it was, so I yelled "come in!"

Jayda or whatever her name is along with an Indian woman walked in.

"Hi Andre, we're here to cheer up our friend," Jenny said.

What's this woman's name? I know I got it. It's Jenny, right? Or wait, it's jeniel or not, I don't know.

"She's upstairs in the second room to the right, she's asleep, I don't know if she's up also can you girls do me a favor?" I asked, and they looked at each other before nodding.

"Don't ask her if it's true because it's not," I said, and they chuckled, shaking their heads.

"Of course not Andre, we know Audrey is not that type, and I've heard Brooks can be a lot sometimes, especially when it comes to you because if all the drama surrounding y'all," the Indian woman answered.

"Yeah, I didn't get your name, miss," I said.

"Oh yea, right, my name is Isha. Nice to finally meet you, Andre,"

"Nice to meet you too, let me not keep you guys here for long," I said, and they both went upstairs to my room, and I didn't mind for the first time

"Yeah, I didn't get your name miss?" I said.

"Oh yea, right, my name is Isha. Nice to finally meet you, Andre,"

"Nice to meet you too, let me not keep you guys here for long," I said, and they both went upstairs to my room, and I didn't mind for the first time.

My phone started ringing, and my mom was calling, just the person I wanted to talk to.

"Hello, mom."

"Son, I just saw the news. What's going on? Is it true?"

"No ofcourse not mom,"

"Since when do you fight Andre Ethan Hampton?"

"Mom, Brooks was forcefully touching Audrey, and he also lied about the cheating stuff. It's all rumors, Audrey didn't even know Brooks until last night. I don't know what to do, mom. I just everybody is thinking so low of her, and she's not even that type of person to do that, Audrey is a good person, mom. "

"Oh son, it's worse, I mean the name calling, they're even going after the Saunders, questioning how they raised poor Audrey, look, come home with Audrey and we'll deal with this as a family. I can't even imagine how she's coping with all of this"

"She's depressed, I was thinking of taking her to New york where she could be with her family."

"No, no, Andre, we need to show the Saunders that Audrey is ours now, we can't just dump her at her families home when shits gone wrong. Look, just come home to Florida, we'll be stronger as a family, and the media will also drop this as they'll see nothing fazes the Hamptons. "

"Ohk mom, I hear you. We'll be there by tomorrow afternoon. "If we were

"Ohk son, send my love to Audrey ok"þ

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