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Audrey's pov

The smell of bacon woke me up, I lifted the black duvet and saw my naked body.

I let out a small giggle because I actually can't believe I did IT.

But sadly for me, I can't tell anyone but keep the joy of my first time to myself.

"Good morning to you, my queen," Adam greeted, then placed a tray on the bed.

He wore black sweatpants and was shirtless and barefoot, Andre is allergic to being barefoot, I swear you'd never find him walking the house with socks on.

I shaked the thought of Andre off of my mind as Adam kissed me.

"Uh uh, I need to go freshen then I'll have breakfast, I'm naked Adam, at least let me go take a shower" I said he nodded with a smirk then left.

Today was the best day of my life. As I walked to his bathroom, I felt a minor pain in between my legs.

I showered then joined him for breakfast, we had a chat about his work life, Our future plans and where we planned to stay but I could tell something was off with the way he responded to me compared to how he responded to me yesterday.

He wasn't as enthusiastic or witty, I felt as though he was just replying to me to be nice.

Suddenly, I felt as though u disgust him, we just had sex, is that why he's acting this way? Is this how guys act after sex?
"Andre," I called out as soon as I shut the front door.

I had on Adam's  black t-shirt that was twice my size and his red and black pajama pants wlthat I had folded on my waist.

"In the kitchen!" Andre yelled back, I basically skipped to the kitchen.

And he was, shirtless and behind the stove.

"What are you cooking sexy chef?"

Yes, I'm now officially comfortable enough to throw in comments or whatever.

"Hmm, you think I'm sexy?" I raised my eyebrow, and he went from a warm smile to a cheesy smirk.

I scoffed, then rolled my eye as I made my way to the fridge.

I got a carrot and then washed it before eating it.

"You definitely think I'm sexy, I can see it all on your cute little face,"  Andre said, pointing at me with a spatula.

I rolled my eyes and then made my way to sit on the kitchen counter while I watched him cook.

"Where were you last night?" He asked, and I blushed.

"With Adam," I said quietly as guilt creeped up on me suddenly.

Andre was quiet for a while, then broke a smile and finally looked at me, like really look at me, taking in my appearance and all.

I gulped, then cleared my throat, and that seemed to get him put off the trance he seemed to have been in.

"So you and Adam, huh?" He said

"Yep, we've fixed things, and we're now officially back together," i said, looking at him carefully to take in his reaction.

I got nothing from his reaction, just a smile and no emotions behind his eyes nor the smile, I feel like I'm cheating on him, but isn't that what we're both basically doing to each other.

This isn't a real relationship. We're just friends, and I shouldn't feel guilty for being with the one I love... right?
It's been two months since I've last seen Adam, but we do talk from time to time even though it's not much,

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