Gotta Toughen Up

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The script reading had been going on for nearly three hours and Trixie had just about had it with Katya. Not only had the girl's initial comment caused her to feel more nervous than she already was, but Katya had also been constantly interrupting the reading whenever they got to one of Trixie's lines or longer scenes.

"You kissed me, Lily... not the other way around... How can I forget that?" Katya said, remarkably still in character despite constantly jumping out of the script to find some dumb excuse to pause the reading. "Why are you so insistent on lying to your own heart? You know what you feel, Lily! Please... I know you do... So why can't I be yours? Why can't you be mine?"

She was a good actress, Trixie couldn't deny that, even if she'd love to say otherwise. It was remarkable really to watch Katya just jump in and out of character as if it was as easy as flipping a coin. For Trixie it took time to really get into the scene and feel like she was the character, but Katya clearly had no such issue. But at least it had been a while since the last interruption, so Trixie felt confident that she could give a good performance.

The country-singer took a deep breath before she started to say her line, happy that they'd gotten so far into the scene and that she'd finally be able to express the character as well she wanted to. It was one of the most emotionally loaded scenes, so nailing it would truly prove that she could act. 

"I'm sorry, but I just can't do this... I can't put my career at risk.. This, this is my one ch-" 

"Sorry, can we take a break? I know it's bad timing, but I really need a smoke." Katya interrupted. 

Trixie rolled her eyes as her hands turned into fists. She internally begged for Pete to stand up against Katya's bullshit, but it seemed like even he wouldn't speak up against "The Great Zamolodchikova" and her countless ridiculous demands.

"Alright, let's take fifteen." Pete announced.

Katya smirked in Trixie's direction before picking up her cigarette pack and quickly walking out the door. Trixie was fuming and unable to keep her frustrations in any longer, so before she could think to calm herself down, she stormed out of the building to catch up with the actress.

"Hey chain-smoker! What the hell is your issue?" Trixie yelled when she got outside where the other girl stood leaned against the wall, lighting up a cigarette.

"You tell me, bunny." Katya replied with a smug expression before taking a drag.

"Don't act dumb, you've been interrupting my lines non-stop. And don't call me bunny." The country-singer said as she walked to stand in front of the smoker.

"Aaaw, is the little bunny mad? It's kinda cute, you know?"

"Oh fuck off. You don't get to fucking flirt with me after the shit you pulled in there." Trixie said.

"Dollface, I'll flirt with you whenever I feel like it. It's what I do. I flirt with everyone." Katya replied, tracing Trixie's arm gently with the tips of her fingers. 

"God, you really play into your reputation, don't you? You know, I thought I'd be nice and give you a chance to prove it all wrong, but you really are just a self-absorbed, rude cunt with no work ethic." Trixie spat as she slapped Katya's hand away.

"Ooooh, the bunny's got teeth. Interesting." The actress said, clearly amused by the other girl's anger. "But you know... that pretty mouth of yours can be used for much better things than yelling, doll." 

"You're disgusting. Also, don't you think sexualizing your co-star in a movie about society's oversexualization of women is a bit ironic, not to mention wildly inappropriate?" Trixie argued, having always hated when comments like that were thrown at her.

"Maybe, but don't you think that you starring in a movie when you have no theater background is ridiculous? Why don't you just stick to singing all your little country-pop songs, huh? Release another album instead? Or did your ghostwriter quit?" Katya said harshly. 

"I'll have you know that I have a BA in musical theater, so I do have a theater background. I also auditioned for this role and got it fair and square. And I have never used a ghostwriter in my life. I've written everything I've ever released, despite what the rumors might say."

"Fair and square? Trixie, they wanted you because they wanted to drive up ticket sales. You're a promotional tool. That's all." Katya said with a laugh after taking another drag. 

Trixie felt her heart sink, willing herself to believe that it wasn't true even if it very well could be.

"You're a bitch, did you know that? And you know what, even if that is true, I'll work harder than anyone else ever would to make this movie good. I care about this film, it's a masterpiece." Trixie replied, holding back her tears.

"Well, at least we can agree on that, it is a masterpiece. That's exactly why you shouldn't be in it." Katya said, dropping her cigarette and putting it out by stepping on it before she walked straight past Trixie and back into the building.

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now