Can't Help Myself

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"I love you too, so much."

The words had been replaying in Trixie's head over and over, like a music box that never needed winding up. She had known it already, or had at least hoped, but hearing Katya say it out loud was another thing entirely. Her thoughts were consumed by the statement, her heart filled to the brim by the knowledge that she was the one Katya Zamolodchikova truly loved. The butterflies in her stomach were flying over a bright red sunset with pink clouds, the promise of another exciting night filling her with anticipation as she and Katya got into the car, ready to drive home after the successful premiere.

"What are you smiling about?" Katya asked. 

"You. I just... I love you." 

"Me too." Katya replied dryly.

"You love you too?" Trixie asked in confusion, a giggle escaping her as she spoke. Katya broke out in laughter then, the girl's confused look too much to handle. 

"Sorry, it was too tempting! Oh my god, imagine if I had said that for real." Katya said.

"God, why do I put up with you?" Trixie said, rolling her eyes.

"Seriously though... I do love you too, I really do."

"I mean, to be fair I wouldn't blame you for loving you. You're a very lovable person when you don't act like an asshole. You're... you're very easy to love. Of course, not as lovable as me, naturally. It's not easy to be as perfect as me, of course, but you can try." Trixie replied jokingly, tossing her hair over her shoulder dramatically. 

"You've turned into such a monster, my God... I miss when you were sweet and polite, and had some respect for your industry senior." Katya joked back. 

"Okay grandma, maybe you shouldn't have acted like such a bitch if you wanted my respect. Old people don't deserve respect just for being old, you know? I could also live to be ninety, it's not like it's an achievement. It's just genetics and luck." 

"Oh, is this your way of telling me you've got a granny-kink, Bunny?" The actress said as she wiggled her eyebrows at the other girl.

"Ew, you're disgusting." Trixie replied, shoving Katya's shoulder lightly.

"Whatever, you still love me." Katya said.

"Somehow yes." Trixie said, rolling her eyes as if it was the biggest sacrifice in the world.

"Excuse me? I believe someone just said I was very easy to love." 

"I believe someone specified that it was only when you didn't act like an asshole." Trixie replied.

"I'm not an asshole, you're just a prude." Katya teased. 

"Excuse me?! A prude? Need I remind you that I let you fucking spank me in a crowded club? If anything you're the prude for not following through on your promise of fucking me in the middle of the dance floor." The singer argued, very aware that their driver would hear her every word, but not willing to stop the words from leaving her mouth because of it.

"Oh really? I'm the prude, huh? I guess you've been thinking a lot about that night if you're bringing it up now..." Katya said, letting a hand travel to Trixie's inner thigh, stroking the soft skin up and down lightly as she spoke. "Did you dream about it, Bunny? Fantasize about me fucking you in front of all those people? Huh, did you?"

"Katya." Trixie warned when she felt Katya's hand move higher up on her thigh.

"Trixie." Katya said innocently, moving her hand even higher so it was nearly at the edge of Trixie's underwear. "Admit it, babygirl. Admit that you wanted me to bend you over and fuck you in front of everyone." 

"Ye-yes. I did." Trixie finally admitted, eyelashes fluttering as Katya's fingers came into contact with her clothed pussy.

"Great, that's all I wanted to hear." Katya said in a cheery tone, pulling away from the singer completely. 

"I hate you." Trixie replied, pouting as she leaned back in her seat with her arms crossed.

"No you don't, baby. You loooove me." Katya teased, quickly pecking Trixie's cute button nose.

"Still hate you." 

"Oh don't pout, Bunny." Katya said with a laugh before leaning in to whisper in Trixie's ear. "Behave, and I'll make it up to you when we get home." 

"You better." Trixie replied, a small smile finding it's way to her lips.

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now