Try And Try Again

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The days of the production went by slowly and Katya was getting increasingly frustrated by Trixie's determination. She honestly didn't know if there was much more she could do to make the girl want to quit. She'd spilled coffee all over the girl's manuscript, constantly interrupted her scenes, told Trixie's manager the call time was changed to make the girl show up too late, and scared Trixie so she spilled juice on her costume during the wardrobe fitting. Katya knew she was being an asshole, she knew Trixie was fully aware that she was doing so on purpose, and yet the singer seemed completely determined to stay on the movie. They were already on the first shoot day, and Katya knew that realistically there was little chance of getting Trixie to quit now. Still, she needed to give it at least one more try.

"Katya, you're on time?" Pete said in surprise as she climbed out of her car. 

"Don't sound so shocked, I can behave when I want to." Katya said.

"Well in that case, maybe you could try to behave around your co-star?" He suggested, giving her a knowing look, clearly very aware of their little rivalry.

"Pete, I wouldn't dream of doing anything bad to my co-star." She replied with a gasp, faking shock.

"Sure you wouldn't. Listen Katya, the producers are getting very tired of hearing about production delays because of your little schemes. Mrs. Waters and Mr. Moore are both ready to do something drastic if your actions affect the production negatively. So maybe just try to calm it down a bit? Anyways, get in your trailer and get ready. I want you on set and ready to go in one hour tops." Pete said as he walked over to the director's chair. Katya just chuckled at his warning as she walked over towards her trailer. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice say;

"Oh wow, so you do own a watch." 

"Oooh, she's a funny bunny! Good morning to you too. I brought carrots, you want one?" Katya replied as she turned towards Trixie's trailer which was parked next to her own.

"Very funny." Trixie replied rolling her eyes. "And good morning, Katya. Have you decided on how you're gonna ruin my life today yet, or are you still keeping your options open?" 

"Trixie, either way I couldn't possibly tell you! That would ruin the surprise. I've gotta keep you on your toes." 

"Oh great, I'm so thankful that you choose to show your hatred towards me with such creativity." Trixie said sarcastically.

"Stop, you'll make me blush." Katya replied in a similarly sarcastic tone as she light up a cigarette. 

"God, can't you go five seconds without smoking? Are you really gonna make me breathe in your disgusting smoker breath all day again?"

"Yes. Yes, I am, dollface. But you know what, if you've got a problem with that, you could just quit. How about it, huh?" Katya said, purposefully blowing smoke in Trixie's direction.

"Yeah... Not a chance in hell, but nice try." Trixie replied before stepping back into her caravan.

Katya laughed a little before she stubbed out her cigarette and walked into her own trailer. When it came to trailers, Katya's was about as fancy as they got. It had a large living area with a leather couch, a huge TV, and two small dining areas, a professional kitchen with a full-sized fridge stacked full of her favorite food and drinks, a decently large bathroom with a shower, and a master bedroom with a queen-sized bed, another large TV, and a hair and makeup area where light-up mirrors covered one of the bedroom walls. 

"Home sweet home." She said as she stepped inside, heading straight towards her bedroom where she knew her stylist would be waiting for her. 

"Good morning, Katya. You're here surprisingly early, we might actually get you done on time today." Fena, her stylist, said as she sat down in the makeup chair. 

Katya didn't like having a big hair and makeup team, despite it being what people expected from her. She liked having one person whom she felt she could trust and whom she got along with well, and so now Fena was her one and only stylist. 

"Well as you know, there's a reason for everything I do, Fena." Katya replied.

"Ah yes, always an ulterior motive. So, what torture have you got planned for the poor girl today?" Fena asked.

"Nothing much, I've just brought a nice little gift for her." 

"Uh-huh, I'm betting that won't be remotely nice at all." The stylist said as she skillfully put on Katya's eye-shadow, blending each shade together perfectly. "Katya, can't you just let her be? Trixie's handled everything you've thrown at her, I seriously doubt that she's gonna quit now. Just let it go."

"I can't let it go... You don't get it." Katya simply replied as she folded her arms over her chest. 

The rest of the makeup session was done in pure silence, none of the women uttering a word until Katya left the chair and quickly thanked Fena for her work. Katya got dressed in her costume as fast as she could, took a box of chocolates out of her bag, and hurried out of her caravan. 

She saw Trixie discussing something with Pete and so she grabbed the chance to sneak into the girl's trailer. It was un-surprisingly pink everywhere the eye could see, and Katya couldn't help but laugh at how much of a Barbie-doll the girl truly was. She quickly put the chocolates down on a table in the car's dining area. She then wrote out a post-it note that said "something sweet for someone sweet" with no name attached to it, and stuck it to the box of chocolates before leaving the trailer. 

If what she had planned this time didn't make Trixie want to quit, she didn't know what would.

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