Dim The Lights

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To say Katya was now regretting her actions on the club couch was an understatement. Trixie had ever since made it her life mission to torture Katya as much as possible it seemed, and Katya was loosing her mind. The singer was dancing with strangers, and very closely at that, and would return from the dance floor to drink whilst sitting down in Katya's lap, at times pouring water down her front to cool off, without allowing Katya to touch her at all.

"Oh, my mojito is here!" Trixie said in excitement as she once again plopped herself down in Katya's lap. "You should come join me down there again, it's so fun!"

"Oh yeah, watching you grind on other people up close, such fun." Katya mumbled sarcastically.

"Oh no, is the little kitty mad?" Trixie teased as she turned so she was now facing Katya fully, her thighs on either side of Katya's legs.

The new position caused Trixie's tits to be right in Katya's line of sight, tempting the actress as they glistened from sweat under the shining club lights. It also gave Katya a clear view of the girl's white lace panties, as well as the wet spot which had formed in the center of them.


"What Katya? I thought you said you could handle my little game..." Trixie said before leaning in and kissing the spot right underneath Katya's ear. "..that you were ready to prove yourself to me."

Trixie knew that Katya was fuming, that it was only a matter of seconds before the woman would break and truthfully Trixie wanted her to. Trixie wanted the entire world to see that Katya wanted her above all else, that no one else could compare, that she would never look for someone else ever again.

She loved the feeling of knowing she had Katya completely captivated, loved feeling the woman's gaze burning into her skin as she danced, loved seeing Katya barely being able to keep from touching her. Katya's possessive gaze only fueled her desire to push the woman further. Trixie wanted to see the woman snap so she'd fuck her until she couldn't even remember her own name just to show her who's in control.

"I also seem to remember stating I'd fuck you in the middle of the dance floor if you pushed me too far." Katya said, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the edge of the couch to keep from touching Trixie.

"Then do it, pussy." Trixie whispered in Katya's ear.

"Okay, that's it." Katya said as she lifted Trixie forcefully and made her lay across her lap instead, ass up. "You better run, bunny, this is gonna sting."

Trixie's eyes widened and a moan escaped her lips as Katya's hand came down on her ass in a harsh slap. Her clit was throbbing from the action, practically begging for the woman to continue, and yet her cheeks were burning from embarrassment due to the public setting. Katya soon slapped her ass once again, this hit harder than the last.

"Oh, you like that, don't you? Is this what you wanted all along? For everyone to see me take control of you?" Katya asked as she let her hand travel between the girl's legs again, lightly teasing her core. 


"Answer me, bunny." 

"Yes... I wanted it..." Trixie admitted through moans, unable to hide how affected she was. 

"Well, what do you want now, baby?" Katya asked seductively.

"Take me home..."

"What was that?"

"Take me home and fuck me until I can't walk." Trixie said in as clear a voice as she could manage. 

"Your wish is my command." Katya said before lightly slapping the girl's ass again. "Let's go, bunny."

Trixie stood up, nervously looking around to see how many eyes were on them, feeling grateful once she realized the part of the VIP section they were in was pretty shielded. Katya placed a protective arm around her, leading her out of the club, but stopped abruptly by the front door where the paparazzi were still present. 

"Let's give them some new pictures to spread, shall we?" Katya said before capturing Trixie's lips in a passionate kiss, her tongue making it's way into the girl's mouth as she grabbed Trixie's ass to pull her even closer. Cameras flashed, the paparazzi yelling out for more, but Katya soon pulled away and took Trixie's hand, leading her away towards the car. 

Katya drove as fast as she could, ignoring the fact that she had had way too much to drink to do so. Her vision was blurring both from alcohol and her imagination running wild. Soon enough they were there, the car coming to a halt forcefully, nearly causing Trixie to hit her head against the side window.

"You okay? Did I hurt you?" Katya asked nervously.

"I'm okay, don't worry." Trixie said, quickly getting out of the car, just as anxious to get her hands on the other woman as Katya was. 

Katya had barely gotten the door open before Trixie's lips were on her again, the girl jumping up in her arms, allowing Katya to push her up against the wall. Trixie started to grind against Katya, desperate for any kind of friction. The actress soon moved them to the bedroom instead though, throwing Trixie down on the mattress before pulling her own dress off and kicking off her shoes as quickly as she could. The actress climbed onto the bed, making a trail of kisses up Trixie's legs, sucking and biting to mark up the girl's porcelain skin. 

"May I?" Katya asked, playing with the hem of Trixie's dress.

"Please." Trixie said, lifting herself off the bed slightly to help Katya remove the garment. The singer then opened the clasp which sat between her breasts, letting the strapless bra fall open.

"Holy shit..." Katya whispered once Trixie's body was revealed to her entirely. "You're so fucking hot." 

"Me? You're like... pure perfection." Trixie said as she moved a hand up to squeeze Katya's small, perky breast, letting another move between her legs to her clothed pussy.

"Fuck Trix..." 

"You're so wet, Katya... so wet.." The singer whispered as she moved Katya's black thong to the side, letting her fingers move slowly between her folds. "Fuck... I want you to ride my fingers, Kat. Please?" 

Katya only nodded in response, lifting herself up so Trixie could enter two fingers into her, completely forgetting her original plan of fucking the girl into oblivion. She moaned loudly as she let herself sink down completely, grabbing hold of Trixie's shoulders as she started to bounce up and down in her lap. 

"Fucking hell, Trixie." Katya moaned, moving faster as she chased her high, already close due to Trixie's relentless teasing. "You feel so good... so fucking good." 

"You look so pretty riding me, Kat. So gorgeous." Trixie said. "Make yourself cum, babe. Make yourself cum for me." 

"F-fuck... shit! Trixie!" Katya screamed as she came hard all over Trixie's lap, her juices spilling over the girl's thighs. She climbed off carefully, laying down breathlessly on the mattress, her chest moving up and down rapidly.

"Feeling good, kitty?" Trixie teased. 

"Amazing..." Katya confessed, a content smile on her face. She caught her breath for a second longer before leaning over and opening her bedside drawer, pulling out a pair of handcuffs as her smile turned into a devious smirk. "Your turn. Hands and knees, bunny."

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now