Just A Show

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"You can not be serious? How is this even legal? And what would you possibly have to sue me for?" Trixie said as she stood up from her chair.

"Well, we could sue you both for contract breach by not fulfilling your obligations as per our written agreement, but there are also other routes we could follow. It would be easier to build a case against Katya, but we'd certainly manage to build one against you too, Trixie." Mr. Moore said.

"This is ridiculous... Absolutely ridiculous. Have you spoken to my management about this?" Trixie argued.

She was sure Brandon would fight against it if given a chance, but she had no idea what the higher ups in her label would say about it. They'd always been against her having any kind of public relationship, always pushing for her to keep her dating to a minimum and behind closed doors, but this was a special situation.

"Yes, we have. We called your agency and they agree that a fake relationship is the best course of action. They fear the impact a scandal like this could have on your image. They would rather admit to you having an argument with your girlfriend, than admit to you lashing out on your co-star while on set of your very first movie." Mrs. Waters said.

"Fucking assholes...." The singer whispered bitterly.

Trixie thought back to her near-relationships which had fallen apart because her agency refused to let her publicly state that she was dating. Whenever she had asked they had told her it would put her entire career at risk, acting as if it was the worst thing she could do, but now it was suddenly okay?

"Well, I'll need Kevin's opinion before agreeing to anything, did you call him too?" Katya said, knowing the man would have tons to say about the situation she had created.

"We did. He's far from pleased in regards to your behavior, but has also agreed. He said he'd rather have you in a PR relationship then have the media report on another scandal with your name on it." Mrs. Waters replied.

"I guess I'm in then." The actress said with a sigh.

"You're what? You're just gonna agree to this?" Trixie said in outrage and genuine surprise.

"Yeah... I'll do it, and I think you should too." Katya told the girl, seeing no other real choice.

"I can't believe you." Trixie said before walking out of the trailer.

"This meeting is not over!" Mr. Moore yelled through the screen.

"I'll go talk to her." Katya told the producers before stepping outside. She immediately saw the singer sitting near the trailer in the grass with her head in her hands.

"Trixie... I know I'm far from your favorite person right now, but I really think this is the best option we've got." Katya said. Trixie looked up at her briefly before she looked down at the grass once more, her right hand ripping out some of the green strands.

"You don't get it. I don't wanna have to pretend when I can't even... Nevermind, you wouldn't understand it anyways." The singer said as she tried to hold back her tears of frustration.

"Maybe that's true. Maybe I won't understand, maybe I can't. I understand that you don't want to do this, really, I do. We're very different people and we also don't really know each other-"

"Well, who's fault is that?" Trixie interrupted.

"Mine. I know that. I know this is all my fault, and I'm really sorry, Trixie. I'm sorry for causing this whole mess, I am. But right now we're stuck in a shitty situation and I don't see what other choice we have. I don't know about you, but I really want to do anything I can to stay on this movie. You told me once that you'd work harder than anyone else to make this movie good, so please let's do that together. Let's do this stupid fake relationship thing and make this movie as amazing as we both know it can be."

"Fine... I'll do it, I guess. But you better start treating me a hell of a whole lot better or I will go to the press and tell them everything."

"That's fair enough. So, we got a deal?" Katya asked, holding out a hand for the girl to take.

"Deal." Trixie said, taking Katya's hand and letting the actress pull her up to her feet. 

They stepped back inside the trailer together, and before anyone else got the chance to say anything, Katya spoke up;

"We'll do it." 

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