The Tears I Covered Up

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The week had been a whirlwind. Trixie had gone out with her story to multiple outlets, and Kevin was furious. Katya knew why she was doing it, she was trying to give Katya a window to free herself of KTMA, but getting the guts to do so was difficult. KTMA wanted her to deny it all and wanted to spread false rumors about Trixie instead in order to weaken her credibility. Katya had snapped when they made the demand, and now she had come up with her own plan instead. 

A very risky, and possibly very stupid plan.
But she had no proof to fight against KTMA, so this was her only option.
So on a shelf sat her lifeline as she threw herself straight into the mouth of the lion, she could only hope that the right people would see what was about to happen.

"Well that bitch has certainly gone and done it now!" Kevin yelled as he slammed multiple newspapers and magazines down on the table in front of Katya. "The Dark Side of KTMA, KTMA: The Cruel Company, Trixie Mattel Spills, Mattel Speaks Out Against The Industry, The Cruel Truth Of Hollywood, The Vultures of Hollywood. The fucking whore went to every newspaper in the country with this bullshit! If you had just listened to me, we could've shut this bitch up a long time ago!"

"Bullshit?" Katya questioned boldly.

"Yes, bullshit. You don't support her story do you? You know this isn't the truth, right?" Kevin said, his tone shifting as he walked behind her and whispered; "Remember who made you, Katya." 

"Isn't it? Whenever I speak up, no matter how serious it is, you do this, threaten me into doing what you want, or if that doesn't work, you touch me inappropriately." Katya replied, willing herself not to back down.

"Touch you inappropriately?" Kevin said with a laugh, before placing both his hands on her shoulders and sliding them down towards her breasts, laughing further when she attempted to remove his hands. "Oh poor baby, can't even deal with a bit of rough handling."

"It's more than that. It's sexual harassment, and you know it. Not to mention the times you've gone further." She said, tears starting to escape her. 

"Oh, you know you like it. You like the attention, slut." He said as he pulled her up from her chair and pushed her down against the table in front of her. She focused all her attention towards a photo of Trixie which grazed one of the magazine covers, wishing desperately that she was in the blonde's arms instead. 

He started pulling down her pants, pushing her back down the minute she tried to get up, and soon enough the garment was hanging around her ankles. She grabbed hold of her panties to stop him from pushing those down too, but it was no use, she was no match for his strength.

"Stop!" She screamed as he started to remove his own pants, fear finally starting to take over completely. She tried to kick him but earned a harsh slap from his belt instead. It felt like the leather ripped her skin as it made contact, and she cried out as she squirmed, trying desperately to free herself of his grip.

"Stay still, you fucking bitch." He said as he pulled her hair harshly. "I'll teach you a fucking lesson."

"Get off me!" Katya cried out.

"Shut up! You were always a slut, and the world knows it. Why do you think they all saw you as a sex-symbol?" He yelled, starting to push into her without any preparation. Katya screamed from the pain of him entering her, kicking him in the knee to make him back away, and silently praying that someone would save her from her hell.

Just then she could hear a commotion on the other side of the door.

"You can't go in there! Mr. Matthews is in a meeting!" A young man's voice said.

"Oh is that what he calls it?!" A female voice replied before pulling the door open without warning.

Katya couldn't believe it.
There she stood, like a knight in shining armor;

"Let her go! Right. Now." Trixie said, anger burning in her eyes as she took in the situation in front of her.

"And what if I don't? What's a blonde, bimbo going to do about it?" Kevin said in a mocking tone.

"Oh, I'm not going to do anything. But these very helpful officers would like a word, oh and I think your audience would like to cut your dick off, although they'll probably just make sure you go bankrupt." Trixie said, gesturing towards the corner of the room where she knew Katya's phone would be standing, having seen the entire situation go down through the Instagram live that Katya had set up. Two officers entered the room seconds later and quickly pulled Kevin away from Katya, ignoring every lie and protest that left his lips.

"We'll have a word with him down at the station, and another officer will talk to you later. Is that alright, Miss Zamolodchikova? Will you be alright with Trixie and her team?" One of the officers told Katya in a gentle tone as the other removed Kevin from the building.

"Brandon and Kim are waiting outside." Trixie clarified.

"Okay.. Ye-yeah, t-that's fine." Katya told the officer, her voice shaking after the traumatic situation.

"Can I hug you?" Trixie asked, earning a little nod in return from Katya. Trixie threw her arms around her seconds later, letting all her worry show. "God, I was so scared! Why did you do that? Getting him angry whilst livestreaming him was brave as hell, but you got hurt, I never want you to get hurt. I never wanted to hurt you. I should never have said that actions speak louder than words, I wouldn't have if I knew you'd... I'm so sorry, Katya. God, I'm so so sorry, I should've protected you, and I-" 

"You did." Katya interrupted her. 

"I was too late." Trixie said in a weak voice, clearly feeling guilty.

"You saved me, Trixie, you weren't too late. You got the police here, you got him taken away. You saved me." 

"I shouldn't have angered him so much, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I-I didn't know he was capable of... of-"

"Trix, I know. And it's okay, well it's not, but you and I... we'll be okay, that is... if you'll be mine again?"

"I never stopped being yours, I love you." Trixie told her honestly.

"I love you too." Katya replied before letting Trixie pull her into another comforting hug.

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