Won't Play Hide-And-Seek

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"I can't reach Katya, she's not picking up... God, she was supposed to be home hours ago!" Trixie rambled to Brandon in a worried tone.


 "Should I try to call Kevin? I know he hates me, but she was in a meeting with him so he'd probably know where she is, right?" 

"Trix, listen-"

"Or Fena maybe? Or even Pete? He might know? Or maybe I should just try calling hospitals?" 

"Trixie, Katya's fine!" Brandon yelled out.

"Wha-wher-wait, how do you know?" Trixie asked curiously, a tinge of hurt in her voice from the fact that he hadn't let her know sooner.

"You might wanna check Twitter... Katya just gave an interview and well... she said..."

"She said what?"

"She said you two broke up." Brandon replied, feeling sadness and a strange amount of guilt over having to be the one to break the news to the singer.

"No. No, she couldn't... she wouldn't.." Trixie said in disbelief, tears filling her eyes as she grabbed her phone and opened the app.

"Trix, she did." 

Brandon was right.
There it was, trending on Twitter, Katya saying that they were no longer together and that it had all been some meaningless fling. 

"Play the clip." Trixie demanded, feeling unable to press play on the video herself. 

"Trixie, are you sure this is the best idea?" Brandon asked, not wanting the poor girl to torture herself.

"Play it. I wanna hear whatever bullshit story that fucking asshole is spreading."

"Alright." Brandon said, pressing play. Soon enough Katya's voice filled the room, saying words Trixie never thought she would hear the woman say.

"Of course it wasn't serious! You know how it is, it's easy to think you're in love when you're acting like it every day and going to events together. We just got swept up in the movie magic, that's all. She's a sweet girl, but she's not for me. I'm an incurable tease, not a romantic. But I'm happy to say that if anyone wants to join me in bed tonight, there's a spot ready to be claimed." Katya said with a flirtatious wink before the clip ended. 

Trixie stood there speechless, anger surging through her body and tears of sadness streaming down her face. She felt hurt, embarrassed, naive, worthless, but most of all disappointed, disappointed that every rumor she had ever heard about Katya, every rumor she had denied, had once again turned out to be true. 

"Trixie, I'm so sor-" 

"Leave." Trixie said strictly.

"I know you're hurt, but I really don't think you shou-"


"No." Brandon replied calmly. 

"LEAVE!" Trixie cried again. "Just leave me alone!" 

"No, I won't leave you alone. Not now, not when you need someone around more than ever before." Brandon told her, pulling her into a comforting hug. Trixie resisted at first, but soon she let herself lean on him, sobbing as she let it all out.

"I hate her.. I hate her... I'll never f-forgive her for this... She can g-go fucking die for all I care... I ha-hate her..." 

"Shhh, you love her, and that's okay. Don't give up yet, things might not be as they seem." Brandon said, not able to shake the feeling that something about this whole thing seemed fishy. 

"I shouldn't... I shouldn't l-love her... s-she doesn't d-deserve it.." Trixie stammered. 

"I know, Trix, I know. But we don't control who we love, and no one can blame you for believing her promises." Brandon whispered as he stroked her hair in an effort to calm her down. A moment later, the sound of Trixie's phone ringing filled the room.

"It-it's her." Trixie whimpered, recognizing the strange Russian pop song which Katya had begged her to set as the ringtone for when the actress called.

"You don't have to take it if you don't want to." 

"I... I don't know if I want to." Trixie replied. The phone soon stopped ringing, but seconds later it started once more, the same song filling the room.

"Her again?" Brandon asked.

"Mhmm." Trixie replied with a nod, grabbing her phone. "I think I want to... I want to talk to her... Not for her sake, but for mine."

"Okay, then you do that." Brandon said before getting up. "I'll give you some privacy."

"H-hello?" Trixie said in a frail voice as she picked up the phone.

"Trixie, thank god... Listen, I don't know what you've seen or heard, but I can explain, I promise. It's just hard to do over the phone... Can I come over? Please?" Katya begged.



"I said no, you can't come over. I don't want you in my home right now." Trixie said in a clearer voice.

"Trixie, I swear it's not what it looks like!" 

"Isn't it? Didn't you give that interview? Didn't you swear I meant nothing and that we weren't anything serious? Didn't you stand there and make me into a public fool once again?" 

"Well ye-yeah, but I was forced to! The company doesn't want us dating and they said-" 

"They gave you a choice and you chose them over me. That's it, isn't it?" Trixie asked, practically hearing the conversation take place in her head. 

"Kind of, but it's more complicated.... They forced me, Trixie, it's out of my control. Please, just let me explain... Please... M-maybe we can still make it work? It could be our secret?" Katya said nervously.

"You know I really didn't want to believe the rumors about you, Katya. I trusted you, even when you already broke that trust once, but then you go confirming every single rumor once again... Whenever it gets difficult or you get scared, you toss me to the side without hesitation, and I don't deserve that, Katya. Do you think you're the only one with a company that doesn't want you dating? Mine has hid and tried to promptly end every relationship I've ever tried entering into, but I was ready to defy them for your sake. I was ready to give up everything if I had to because I loved you too much to let you go. I've spent so much of my life on hiding away who I am and who I'm with, but I won't be anyone's secret anymore, Katya. I refuse to get caught up in another game of hide-and-seek, I refuse to go back into hiding. So if that's all you can offer then you're completely right; I'm not for you." 

"Yes, you are! You're everything I've ever dreamed of. Please, I didn't mean a word of what I said in that interview, I didn't. I would cross oceans to be with you, Trixie. Please, I love you." Katya pleaded.

But Trixie's mind was made up and her heart had already locked it's doors tightly, so with a deep breath she spoke her final words before hanging up;

"Well, actions speak louder than words. Goodbye, Katya." 

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