Another Role To Play

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Trixie was shaking as she and Katya took the stage after being introduced as Hollywood's Hottest New Couple by the host of the talkshow; James Barley. 

"Welcome! Welcome, please sit down." James said.

"Thank you." Katya said, holding Trixie's hand reassuringly. 

She was good at this, Trixie thought. Then again, Katya had always been good at acting. It was almost scary how convincing she was as she stared lovingly into Trixie's eyes. There almost seemed to be a spark there, a small golden flame hiding within the ocean waves of those clear blue eyes. Of course, Trixie knew that it wasn't there and the spark was nothing more than a good actress doing her job. 

"So, you two gave the world quite a surprise but I must say you really make a stunning couple. Absolutely adorable! Aren't they?" The host said as he turned towards the audience who responded with cheers and applause. 

"Well, the news did break before we had planned, but we are so grateful that people are taking it so well." Katya replied, before smiling towards Trixie again. 

It all seemed so easy for her. Her smile so natural, clearly reaching her eyes, something Trixie had rarely actually seen on other occasions. Somehow this Katya seemed more genuinely happy than the girl Trixie knew had ever seemed, that was how convincing she was. And the longer the charade went on, the more Trixie could feel herself leaning into the fantasy. 

"Isn't it, Bunny?" Katya asked, but Trixie had missed the entire context of the question.


Katya laughed warmly before placing a soft kiss on Trixie's hand, making the singer blush softly from both embarrassment and another emotion which she refused to acknowledge or name.

"She's a little nervous, forgive her. I asked if you agreed that it's a relief to finally reveal our relationship." The actress explained. 

"Oh, yes, it's a huge relief." Trixie replied, trying her best to get rid of her nerves. 

"Still nervous, huh Bunny?" Katya asked jokingly, but there was a slightly sexual undertone to the question which didn't go unnoticed by the other woman.

Trixie simply blushed in response whilst nodding before she cuddled into Katya's shoulder and hid there. She didn't know exactly why, but somehow it felt like the safest place, for some reason it felt comforting to cuddle into Katya. Even more so when Katya wrapped her arm around Trixie's waist moments later, and pulled her even closer. Katya scent was somewhat bittersweet, like a mix of cigarettes and cherries, like a cheerful song with melancholic lyrics, and Trixie felt more addicted to the smell for every minute that passed.

Of course, it was only because it felt calming and comforting, nothing more. After all, Katya was still the person who had terrorized her, and even if she had decided to give the actress another chance, that fact would still stay the same.

"I must say Katya, Bunny is really an adorable nickname. I'm sure I speak for many of us when I say it's surprising to hear you be so affectionate." James said, earning nods from the audience.

"Well, what can I say? I guess she just brings it out of me. She makes it so easy to be affectionate, and she is cute as a bunny, isn't she?"

Trixie scoffed slightly at Katya's response, thinking about all the ways the actress had shown her so-called "affection" previously. She wondered for a second what the host would think if he learned the true story, and learned the context of when Katya had first used the nickname. 

"Oh yes, she really is. And Trixie, you have been called America's sweetheart many times which has often been linked to your scandal-free image. Did you worry about how dating someone like Katya, who has a rather controversial image, would impact people's view of you?" 

Trixie got out from her hiding spot then, the sorrow of opportunities lost filling her mind once again mixed with the disdain she felt towards her own agency. Her image... god she wanted to vomit when she thought of how many times her agency had spoken to her about her fucking image... They did horrors behind closed doors that most wouldn't believe even if Trixie had told them, and yet her dating was made out to be the biggest sin one could commit. 

"I was very worried, a part of me still is. Not just of dating Katya, but of dating anyone really... But that's the problem with this industry as a whole. We're put under a magnifying glass constantly, and so we're afraid to live freely since it might make the public turn on us. Something which would only be an innocent mistake for other people can be made into headline news for us. We live a privileged life, of course we do, but we're also put under immense pressure to be perfect." Trixie said, not caring about the phone call she was sure she'd receive from her agency later.

"Very wise words, I think you're absolutely right about that. And would you say that your thoughts about that impacted how you saw Katya too? Did it make you view her differently at all?" James asked. 

Katya looked towards Trixie then, genuinely curious to hear the answer. She knew that Trixie had said that she initially wanted to give her a chance to prove that she wasn't really the girl rumors made her out to be, but Katya had no idea if that was just something Trixie had said to make herself seem like the bigger person.

"It did, it still does. When I met her... I had heard all the rumors, naturally... but I didn't want to judge her based on that, and I'm glad I didn't. 'Cause I ended up finding a girl who could be just as flawed as the media made her out to be, but who was also talented, beautiful, misunderstood, funny, caring, and who at times just seemed to be pretty lonely." Trixie said, turning to look at Katya towards the end of her sentence.

"And what about you, Katya? What did you think of Trixie?" James asked.

"Well, firstly I thought what I'm sure most will think, that she's absolutely gorgeous. But I think I gave Trixie a bit of a tough time at first." Katya said.

Trixie wanted to make a sarcastic comment about how Katya was framing things, since that sentence was the biggest understatement she had ever heard, but she instead stayed silent and listened closely to the rest of the statement.

"I'm not always the easiest to be around, but she surprised me by her strength, her courage, and her determination. She has this spark which no one else has, and that spark makes her able to call me out when I'm acting like an asshole. And I really liked that, to be around someone who wasn't afraid to stand up to me. She's also someone who'll be nice to everyone, and treat everyone with respect. And her smile..." 

Katya stopped for a moment, removing her arm from Trixie's waist and taking the girl's hands in her own instead. She then took a deep breath before continuing on.

"Trixie, your smile could brighten anyone's day... Seriously, you're like sunshine." Katya said, and Trixie felt a strange stirring in her heart as she looked into the girl's seemingly sincere eyes. The eye contact was soon broken however as Katya turned back towards the host moments later.

"She is many things, many amazing things, but her smile is what made me loose my heart entirely." Katya said. 

"Ah, what a lovely couple you two make, an unexpected but perfect match. I'm sure you'll be very happy together, and we'll of course be sure to look out for your upcoming film once that comes out." James said as the audience clapped and the show went to commercial.  "Thank you so much for coming."

"Thank you for having us." Katya said before they both walked off stage, thankful that the show was done, but filled with knew unexplored and unexplainable feelings and thoughts. 

'Cause when they were both home in their own apartments, lying comfortably in their beds, they couldn't shake the feeling that a part of them had meant the words they had been said. 

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now