The Dizzy Road To Love

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"That went good, right?" Trixie said nervously.

"Yeah, it went really well. I think this whole thing will calm down soon. And after all, it's not like we lied that much, the part about us making up after my screw up is true." Katya replied.

"Yeah.. People might not forgive you for a while though. I mean even if we were fighting and had broken up, you still sound like the asshole who went out and slept with a random girl right after. And to be fair, us making up straight after isn't the most believable thing."

"Honestly, they can believe whatever they want. I did mess up, I am the asshole, so if I have to suffer a bit for that then that's fine. You are the bigger person in this and you deserve to come across as that." The actress assured her.

Trixie couldn't help but be fascinated by how different this Katya was from the girl she had met in her first days on the movie. This Katya took responsibility, and was ready to accept the consequences of her actions. It was a nice change, and a change Trixie hoped to see more of as they moved forward towards... well, towards whatever they would become now.

Their conversation in the bathroom earlier had been interrupted by a PA telling them that the show was about to begin. And so they'd gone into business mode, focusing on changing up their rehearsed story enough to make it convincing, and to not make Trixie seem like the one who had overreacted which the company's version slightly had, rather than discuss their confessions.

"So... what now?" Trixie questioned.

She needed an answer.
Needed to know what Katya had wanted her confession to lead to.

Of course, Trixie wasn't even sure if she knew what she wanted it to lead to. In a way she didn't think she'd be sure until she heard Katya voice her wishes. She was so used to Katya disappointing her at this point that she was unable to allow herself to fantasize about the two of them together without being completely certain that Katya was serious about it.

"Well... I'd like to take you out, like on a real date." Katya replied, desperately hoping that Trixie would want the same.

"Is that all you'd like to do?" The singer questioned with a raised eyebrow, a surge of confidence going through her as she stepped closer to the other woman.

Katya immediately caught onto the girl's teasing tone, and before Trixie knew it she found herself flush against the woman's chest, Katya's breath fast and warm against her ear.

"Far from it, bunny. Frankly I'd also like to lift you up on that makeup table and fuck you until you can't walk, but I think a date is a better place to start a relationship." Katya whispered in a raspy tone, one of her hands traveling down to squeeze Trixie's ass for emphasis before she pulled away. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"I... Yeah, I... Well, I'd..."

"What's the matter, bunny? Do I make you nervous?" Katya asked, pushing a strand of hair behind the girl's ear. "Or maybe... turned on?"

Trixie didn't even notice that the words made her press her thighs together, Katya however noticed immediately.

"Guess I was right, huh bunny?" The actress teased.

"Huh? No! I'm not, I mean, I'm not-"

"It's okay, baby, I'm not judging. Honestly, all you have to do is walk into a room for me to be turned on." Katya admitted.

"Wait, really?" Trixie asked, snapping out of her slight trance.

"Yes, really. Have you seen yourself? I mean, you're just... you're just so incredibly, unbelievably, mind-blowingly hot." Katya said before she started to worry that her words could cause Trixie to think she wasn't interested in anything other than sex. "Not that that's the only reason I'm interested in you, it's really not. I really just think you're amazing as a whole-"

"Katya, breathe." The singer said calmly, taking one of Katya's hands in her own and laughing a bit at the charmingly nervous girl who was now standing before her. Somehow, the panic in her voice only made Trixie more certain that Katya actually cared about her. "I'm not offended by you finding me hot and wanting to fuck me."

"I just don't want you to think that's all I'm after, I really did mean what I said about us going out on a date."

"Did you mean what you said about it being the start of a relationship too?" Trixie asked.

"Well, if you'd want it to be, then yeah? I... I don't want us to pretend, Trixie. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend without it being part of some scheme. I want to be with you, I really do. But if you want to start with just the date, then that's okay too." Katya replied honestly.

"I'd love to go on a date with you." Trixie replied, pulling the other girl in for a kiss before adding; "And I'd love to be your girlfriend."

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