Keep On Teasing

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After dinner Trixie and Katya quickly found themselves on the bed in the corner of the room, both feeling as horny teenagers there they sat and desperately clawed at eachothers clothes and chased eachothers lips. Katya laid down and pulled Trixie on top of her, her hands holding onto the girl's ass as Trixie attacked her neck, sucking harshly and on occasion letting her teeth graze Katya's skin.

"Are you sure you still wanna go out? We could just go home to mine instead..." Katya said breathlessly, her mind now consumed by thoughts of fucking Trixie in every single room of her home.

She imaged pushing Trixie up against the wall by her front door, forcing her down on her knees on the tiled floor in the bathroom, tying Trixie's wrist behind her back and fucking her with a strap on in the bedroom.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted however when Trixie abruptly sat up in her lap, crossing her arms and smiling gleefully at Katya's little whine of disappointment. It was rare that Trixie felt like she truly had the upper hand, but boy was she ready to take advantage of it.

"Oh no, you're taking me out." She said strictly. "I want the entire world to see that you are mine and only mine. I want them to know that no one else is allowed to touch you. I want every goddamn soul in that club to know that you won't be taking any of them home at the end of the night. If you want to put your hands on me tonight, you better work for it. I'm not another one of your random hookups, Katya, I refuse to be."

With that she climbed off the other woman, leaving Katya wanting and breathless as Trixie walked over to her chair and grabbed her jacket along with Katya's car keys.

"You coming?" Trixie asked teasingly, dangling the keys around her ring finger.

"Guess not." Katya grumbled as she got up from the bed, walking over and grabbing the keys from Trixie.

"Good kitty." Trixie said with a giggle, finding Katya's obvious disappointment to be greatly amusing. Katya turned around quickly then, grabbing Trixie's waist and pulling her close forcefully.

"Careful, bunny. I'll play your game and I will happily prove myself to you, but do not for a second think that I'm not the one in control. Push me too far and I won't hesitate to fuck you right on the middle of the dance floor." She whispered in Trixie's ear, her voice deep and raspy, sending chills down the singer's spine. "Is that understood?"

"Yeah..." Trixie replied without even realizing it as she squeezed her thighs together.

"Good bunny." Katya said with a smirk, taking Trixie's hand in hers and leading her out of the restaurant.

The drive was torture this time, Trixie thought, the bumps in the road causing her to get random sparks of pleasure and Katya's hand practically burning her skin there it rested high up on her bare thigh. For a second Trixie wished that she had taken Katya up on her offer to go back to hers straight away, however this quickly changed once they arrived at the club.

Paparazzi screamed their names as soon as they stepped out of the car, cameras flashing in their faces, and yet somehow Trixie liked the attention this time. This was the same club Katya had been at the last time, but this time she wouldn't be walking out with some random girl, she would be with Trixie and only Trixie. The singer hoped the photos of the two would spread and drown out all the photos of Katya with someone else, wanting nothing more than for those photos to disappear into the great void of expired news.

"Let's head inside." Katya said, wrapping one arm around Trixie's waist and guiding her past the cue of people waiting to get in. The bouncer opened the rope for them immediately, nodding is head respectfully towards Katya.

The club was packed with people, most of which instantly recognized the pair as soon as they entered. Katya lead Trixie to the VIP section, walking straight to a couch area in the corner of it.

"Katya, you're back!" A waiter said, quickly walking towards their table. "We weren't expecting to see you again so soon after everything that happened last time."

"Yeah, me neither, but Trixie wanted to come here, so here I am." Katya said.

"Well, we're glad to have you back. Now, can I get you two anything to drink?"

"Two shots of vodka and a Moscow mule for me. Trixie?"

"I want something pretty, something pink." Trixie said.

"How new for you." Katya teased.

"Well, we've got our Barbie Pink Cocktail, it's basically lemonade and vodka." The waiter suggested.

"Sounds perfect, huh Barbie?" Katya said, her fingers softly stroking Trixie's inner thigh, nearly touching the edge of her panties, making the singer squeeze her thighs together once more.

"Yeah, th-that's good..." Trixie said mindlessly, nearly moaning as Katya's hand squeezed her thigh, before suddenly remembering that the waiter was still standing there."That would absolutely be great, yup. Could I also get a shot of tequila with that?"

"Absolutely, I'll be back with your drinks shortly." The waiter said before walking towards the VIP bar area.

"You're blushing, bunny. Is anything wrong? Did I embarrass you?" Katya said with fake concern and annoyingly innocent eyes as she removed her hand completely.

"I fucking hate you." Trixie said, crossing her arms over her chest and leaning back in her seat.

"No you don't, baby." Katya replied with a smirk, capturing Trixie's lips in a kiss before letting her hand travel between the girl's legs. Her fingers teased Trixie's core through her underwear, before she quickly slid them to the side and pushed one finger in without a warning, feeling Trixie's dripping pussy clench around her as the girl softly moaned in her ear. "And neither does your pussy."

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