Surrender To You

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"Your turn. Hands and knees, bunny."

Trixie followed the instructions in mere seconds, feeling herself grow even wetter as she thought about what was about to happen. She shivered as Katya let her fingers trace her spine before grabbing one of Trixie's arms and then the other, cuffing them together behind her back and laying her head down on the mattress. She felt exposed, more on display than she had ever felt before, and yet oddly enough she felt no discomfort. She trusted Katya.

"Too tight?" Katya asked, pulling on the handcuffs slightly.

"No, they're okay." 

"Good." Katya said, walking out of Trixie's vision completely towards what she could only guess was the closet in the corner of the room. "I've got a few things for you, bunny."

Katya returned minutes later wearing a black strap-on and holding an additional pink harness in her hand. It was unlike anything Trixie had ever seen, despite her having depended on sex toys heavily due to her company's constant hatred of her having any sort of a dating life. 

"I'd like you to wear this, bunny. It has a small remote controlled vibrator which sits on your clit, which I will play with whilst fucking you. Does that sound okay?" Katya asked bluntly. 

"Yeah.. yes, that sounds good." Trixie said, her clit twitching just from hearing the actress explain what was about to transpire. 

"Good, if it's too much you can just say raspberry, okay?" 

"Okay... Why raspberry?" Trixie asked.

"Because your favorite color is pink and mine is red, and raspberry pink is the shade you get when mixing them." Katya said.


Katya leaned down and kissed Trixie's shoulder softly before walking behind her. Her hands traced the singer's plump ass, squeezing the flesh slightly and slapping it once before gripping the hem of her panties.

"May I?" The actress asked.

"Please." Trixie begged, her need for friction growing by the minute.

Katya pulled her panties down, letting them pool around Trixie's knees which were pressed together due to the position. Carefully she fastened the harness around the girl's hips, making sure that the vibrator sat firmly against Trixie's clit. She pushed Trixie's back down slightly so it would arch more, exposing the singer's pussy further. 

"You're so wet, baby." Katya whispered as she let her fingers trace up and down Trixie's core. She pushed them in slightly, gathering up some of the girl's juices before bringing them in front of Trixie's lips. "Taste yourself, bunny." 

Trixie did as instructed, finding it near impossible not to, her desire to please Katya and to be pleased by the woman driving all of her actions. She opened her mouth, allowing Katya's fingers to enter before sucking on them as if they were a lollipop. 

"Good girl, wanna suck on my dick too, baby?" Katya asked, pulling out her fingers.

Trixie only opened her mouth in response, once again allowing Katya to enter her before sucking the dildo enthusiastically. She felt dirty, but she loved it. She could barely move due to the position, but Katya soon took over, fucking her throat slowly whilst holding her head in place. 

"Such a perfect girl, you coated me so good, baby." Katya said as she pulled out, stepping behind the girl once more.

Although Trixie's spit was now coating the dildo generously and the girl was more than wet enough, Katya still poured some lube into her hand, spreading it over the dildo. She wiped her hand on the mattress and picked up the remote for the vibrator, her other hand grabbing a fistfull of Trixie's hair.

"You ready, bunny?"

"Yes." Trixie replied, biting her lip in anticipation.

Katya pushed in carefully, nearly moaning at the way the large dildo slid so effortlessly into the girl below her. Trixie moaned loudly, her pussy clenching around the object, her entire body feeling electrified. With a click of a button the vibrator turned on and Trixie's head twisted in pleasure, causing her to moan out in pain aswell as this caused the pull on her hair to intensify.

"Fuck!" She yelled, her chained hands gripping onto thin air as Katya started to move. Her movements were precise and she bottomed out each time, granting Trixie with glorious relief and overwhelming pleasure.

"God, you look so fucking pretty right now." Katya said, picking up pace and turning up the intensity of vibrator.

Trixie was loosing her mind, writhing around as much as she could in her confining position, the sensations almost becoming too much for her to take. The vibrations on her clit, Katya's hard deep thrusts, the pull on the roots of her hair, was all creating an incredible mix of pain and pleasure, pushing her closer and closer towards the edge.

"God, that feels so good..." Trixie moaned, desperate to finally hit that sweet euphoria after hours of teasing. "Please, faster... I need it."

"I've got you, baby." Katya said with care before speeding up her movements, the bed rocking with her every thrust.

"I'm so close, Kat." Trixie whimpered.

"Hold it, try to hold it in for me, bunny."

"I can't..."

"Yes, you can, baby. I know you can, hold it until I say you can cum." Katya said, increasing the power of the vibrator before pausing it and slowing the movements of her hips.

"Katya... please.." Trixie whined, feeling desperate for release.

"Please what, bunny? I thought you said you couldn't hold it, so isn't this helpful?" Katya teased.

"Nooo, please... I need it... I need you... Please, Katya." Trixie begged.

Katya halted her movements entirely for a second, leaning down to kiss the girl's back softly. She combed Trixie's hair gently and moved the hand that was holding it to hold the singer's hands instead.

"Okay, baby. Cum whenever you'd like." Katya nearly whispered before she turned the vibrator back on and started to move her hips again.

The pace from before was soon regained, Katya's thrusts quick as she allowed the girl below her to chase her high. Trixie whined with every snap of Katya's hips, her hands clutching Katya's hand tightly, her nails digging into Katya's skin.

"Shit, I'm... Fuck, Katya!" Trixie screamed as she finally came, her body nearly feeling weightless from the immense satisfaction. Katya slowed her movements and gradually turned down the vibrator, fucking Trixie gently through her high as to not overstimulate her after her intense orgasm.

Once she had come down from her euphoric land of pleasure, Trixie nearly collapsed onto the mattress. Katya held her up with one arm wrapped around her waist as she pulled out. With gentle hands she unfastened Trixie's handcuffs and harness, pulled her panties up again, and then helped her lay down on the soft mattress.

"Are you okay, bunny?" She asked in a caring tone as she laid down next to Trixie, pulling the covers over them both and removing loose strands of hair from her face.

"I'm perfect... absolutely perfect." Trixie said in barely more than a whisper before pulling Katya in for a soft kiss.

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