Only Talking Nonsense

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"Don't shy away from us! Why is it every time we get closer you pull away?" Katya said taking hold of Trixie's wrist as she tried to step away. 

"There is no us! Just forget about it, Emma. What happened was just a moment of weakness, nothing more." Trixie replied as she tried to shake her arm free, trying to stay in the scene whilst still remembering everything she had to do.

"You kissed me, Lily... not the other way around... How can I forget that? Why are you so insistent on lying to your own heart?" The other girl said, a convincingly pleading look in her eyes.  "You know what you feel, Lily! Please... I know you do... So why can't I be yours? Why can't you be mine?"

"I'm sorry, but I just can't do this... I can't put my career at risk.. This, this is my one chance at reaching my dreams... I can't throw that away because of a simple mistake." 

"A mistake? So you're telling me you felt nothing." Katya said as she stepped closer. 

"I'm telling you it meant nothing. I'd never do it again, I'm not like that..."

"Oh really?" Katya said stepping closer until Trixie's back was pressed against a wall. 

"Yes, really. You're being foolish." Trixie argued.

"You really mean to say that this doesn't make anything stir inside you?" Katya whispered in her ear, causing Trixie to shudder involuntarily. 

"Nothing." She whispered in response, but her eyes told a different story. Katya leaned in closer and closer until their lips were nearly touching. 

"And cut! Great job, that's lunch everyone!" Pete called out. 

Trixie and Katya were still stuck staring at each other, their breaths coming out quick, their eyes filled with desire. Seconds later they both snapped out of their trance, quickly moving apart as they regained a sense of reality. 

"Well played... the scene I mean." Katya said after a moment's silence.

"Thanks, y-you too.. really well done." Trixie replied. "I'm gonna go grab some food."

"Yeah, right, me too." Katya said, quickly walking off towards her trailer.

Trixie did the same, her hand touching her lips as her mind filled up with thoughts of kissing Katya before she could stop it.

"What the fuck was that?" Trixie whispered to herself. 

"Yeah, what the fuck was that, Trix?" Brandon said in a teasing tone.

"Nothing, that was nothing, that's what that was." She said, even though she realized that her words of denial sounded about as convincing as those of her character. 

"Sure... So we're just going to ignore the sexual tension between you two?" 

"There's no tension!" She argued.

"Of course not." Brandon replied in amusement.

"There's not! There's nothing happening between us, and there never will be." Trixie said.

There couldn't be, right?
There was no way she actually felt something for Katya, right?
And Katya would never be attracted to her, would she?

Sure, Katya had teased her and had flirted with her, but there was no way Katya was actually interested. She couldn't be. 

Still, Trixie couldn't deny that being so close to the other woman had felt electrifying, nor that a small part of her had wanted to lean in closer and connect their lips.

Maybe she was just confusing real life with fantasy. 
Maybe the feelings she had tried to bring out for the sake of the movie were just messing with her head. 

"Still, it wouldn't be so bad would it? If you were to hook up?" Brandon commented.

"Of course it would be bad!" Trixie said.

"Why? The whole country already thinks your dating, this could be your chance to live freely for once without stressing about what the company will say." He told her.

He had a point.
There would be no risk for either one of them.
If something were to happen no one would question it, in fact they might just question it more if something like that didn't happen. 

"Still, I couldn't... Besides it's all just pretend anyways.."

"But do you really want it to be?" Brandon asked.

"Of course! It's not like I'd ever actually date her." Trixie said.

"Maybe.. But aren't you even a little bit curious about how it would be to hook up with her? This is Katya Zamolodchikova we're talking about after all, Hollywood's legendary seductress." 

"I... I can't. It would be a ridiculous idea... It would only make things worse." She replied after thinking about it for a little too long for someone who apparently wasn't even considering it.

"Whatever you say, Trix." Brandon replied, deciding to drop the subject for the time being.

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