What You Do To Me

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They were inseparable from the moment they walked in the door, hands and lips all over eachother's bodies, desperately attempting to get as close to each other as humanly possible. Of course, these days they were constantly teased for not being able to stay apart no matter what they were doing.
They'd struggle not to touch each other in one way or another at all times, often being called out on it without even realizing they'd been doing it. They'd reach for each other whenever they laughed, hold onto the other person as if they were their anchor. They'd look for each other in every crowd, eyes filled with longing and bodies just waiting for a chance to stand close together again. 

"You are so beautiful... not just sexy like everyone always focuses on, but truly beautiful." Trixie whispered as she placed a kiss on Katya's bare chest. "Your eyes are like the bluest sky surrounded by green trees reaching up to touch it."

Trixie's hand came up to caress Katya's jaw, holding it so gently that the actress could barely feel the pressure from it on her skin. Soon after, Trixie's lips met Katya's in a soft kiss, it was slow and  tender, nothing like the rushed kisses they usually shared during sex. Trixie's other hand went between Katya's legs, one finger soon finding it's way inside the woman. 

"Fuck..." Katya moaned softly at the action. Trixie fucked her slow and deep, her finger curling up into the spot that made Katya loose her mind every time it re-entered. It was drawn out and gentle, far from what she usually preferred during sex, but Katya still couldn't imagine anything ever feeling better than it did in that moment. 

It had started rougher, more rushed and needy, but their recent confessions of love had soon caused them to want something else. They would have time, they'd realized, and so they could take their time to worship each other as they truly deserved to, express their love fully without worrying about the clock ticking by.

"I want to make you happier than anyone else can ever make you... If I can spend every day on making you laugh, making you smile, than I'll be happy." Trixie said before showering the skin beneath Katya's jaw with kisses, occasionally sucking and biting causing Katya to gasp slightly. 

"And you said I was sappy." Katya teased, grabbing onto Trixie's hair when the girl retaliated by pushing another finger in without warning. 

"Shut up, you love me."

"I do love you... Shit... God, I love you so much." Katya moaned, moving her hips in time with Trixie's movements, loosing herself to the feeling.

Trixie smirked contently at the reaction, kissing a trail down Katya's chest until she'd reached her desired location. She stuck her tongue out and licked Katya's clit with a precise but light movement. Katya grabbed her hair once again then, forcing her head closer to increase the pressure. The singer sucked on her clit, speeding up her movements slightly and moving her fingers deeper with each thrust. 

"Fuck, you're perfect... You're so perfect, Trix. I can't believe you're all mine."

Trixie sped up her movements again, knowing Katya well enough to know she was close just by the tone of her voice. She reached up to knead Katya's boob before rubbing her nipple between two fingers, before bringing it back down to stop the actress from closing her thighs. She sucked harsher on Katya's clit before licking it again quickly. 

"Oh... I'm close, babe... So close... You fuck me so good, baby." Katya moaned as she forced Trixie's head closer again, practically fucking herself on the girl's fingers and tongue as her hips moved uncontrollably against her. Katya came with a scream of Trixie's name seconds later, her head falling back against the pillows as Trixie fucked her through her orgasm.

"Come here." Katya whispered, making grabby hands at Trixie, desperate to hold her close.

Trixie rolled her eyes but followed the request, wiping saliva off her mouth before coming up to rest on Katya's chest. Soon enough, Katya's hand was in her hair, gently combing through her soft curls whilst her own hand drew circles into Katya's shoulder. 

"It feels different." Trixie whispered. 

"What does?" 

"Making love." The singer replied, a soft blush finding her cheeks.

"It feels better." Katya said with certainty, kissing the top of her head. 

"Yeah?" Trixie asked, looking up towards the other woman. 

"Yes, much better." Katya assured her.

"I love you." Trixie said softly, the emotion shining in her eyes.

"I love you too, more than you could ever imagine."

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now