Our Forgotten Dream

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Trixie was certain that she was about to start a storm on Twitter, but she was done caring about what others had to say about her. If Katya and her label got to release lies, then she should be able to release the truth just as freely. People could choose to believe whoever they wanted to, but at the very least she wanted them to have heard both sides.

"Welcome to the studio, Trixie Mattel!" James Barley announced. 

"Thanks for having me, James." Trixie said as she gave him a quick hug before sitting down.

"It's a pleasure having you back on the show. Of course, it's a bit of a different situation then last time, if you don't mind me mentioning it." He said as he took his seat.

"No, that's alright, I'm sure everyone has seen the articles by now anyways."

"So you don't mind us talking about it then?" James asked, even though Trixie knew he was already aware that she had agreed to discuss the breakup. 

"No, I think it's only fair if the world hears my side of the story too." Trixie assured him.

"So, you would say your version of events isn't the same as Katya's then?"

"Correct, my version of events isn't like hers at all." She replied. A gasp spread around in the studio audience, the statement taking them by surprise. 

"How so?" James questioned. Trixie appreciated that he simply asked her to expand upon her statements rather than asking completely new questions every time, it gave her space to answer properly without feeling stressed. 

"Well, Katya said it wasn't serious, that we weren't serious and... that just isn't true." 

Another gasp was heard from the audience, and then tons of whispers around the studio. 

"So you're saying it wasn't just a Hollywood fling?" The interviewer said.

"No, it wasn't just a fling, at least it didn't become that... It became real, even though that was never the plan. You see, when we first announced we were dating, when we came on your show, back then it was supposed to all be pretend." Trixie told him.

"Wait, so you're saying it wasn't a real relationship to begin with? Then doesn't that sort of support Katya's statement?" James asked, seeming shocked at the news. He had known they'd be discussing the breakup, and that Trixie meant that it was a serious relationship, but this she had not told him about in advance.

"I think we might have to go back to the beginning of the story if this is gonna make sense to anyone else but me." She said with a slight laugh, realizing how confusing this had all gotten.

"I think that might be best." He replied with a slightly amused, but warm smile.

Trixie thought back to the first time she had been on his show, how nervous she had been, and how it had been Katya who had made her feel comfortable. This time James seemed to be more considerate, more caring and careful with how he got the answers out of her. His eyes kinder as he guided her through the interview, genuine compassion shining through them.

"Well, honestly it all started with a fight, but not a lover's quarrel. Katya, there's a lot to say about her, but she cares about acting and she cared about that movie. It was a new type of movie for her, a new kind of role, and she really wanted the movie to succeed, that's why she had issues with me being cast in it. She was scared I'd ruin it because I wasn't an actress." 

"But you're so good! You've been nominated for numerous Best New Actress awards already!" James exclaimed towards the audience, causing the audience to applaud the achievement.

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