The Final Straw

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"Sure, just help yourself!" Trixie yelled to Kim before exiting her trailer, walking over to the set where the rest of the cast and crew were already waiting, quickly finding her place. She talked with some of the crew for a while before they were ready to begin filming, purposefully avoiding starting any conversation with Katya, despite the girl standing nearby.

"Everyone ready?" Pete asked. "Alright. Scene seven, take one. Action!"

"What's the matter with you? Why'd you do that?" Trixie said, turning towards Katya. 

"I thought I was saving you, sorry? You just seemed extremely uncomfortable." Katya said, looking more apologetic than Trixie had ever seen her be in real life. 

"So? If I was gonna run away every time a man made me uncomfortable I'd hardly ever sit still. That's what the world is like, in case you hadn't noticed." 

"Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be." Katya's character argued.

"They're my bosses, if I speak up against it I could get fired."  Trixie replied, happy that she was managing pretty well so far and remembering her lines as she should.

"If no one speaks up then nothing's every going to change. Someone has to initiate change for it to happen." 

"Well, that someone will have to be someone else."  Trixie said, turning away and walking through the fake door that was supposed to lead into a club.

"And cut! Great first take. I do think we need some more hairspray on you though, Trixie. It's moving a bit too much in the wind." 

"Sure!" Trixie replied before she noticed her stylist being nowhere in sight. "Kim? She might be in the trailer, I'll just head in quickly." 

"No problem. Everyone let's reset while Trixie gets her hair fixed." Pete instructed.

"Amateurs." Katya huffed as Trixie ran towards her trailer.

"Kim? Kim, are you in here?" The singer asked as soon as she'd opened the door, noticing the fact that the trailer was filled with a foul smell a second later.

"Ugh.. B-bathroom..oh god." She heard Kim say, the girl sounding as if she was in great pain.

Trixie hurried over to the bathroom. The door was slightly open and as she pushed it open further, she found Kim sitting on the toilet, looking pale and sickly as she clutched her stomach, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Kim! Oh my god, are you okay? Sorry, you're obviously not. Someone come help please! Brandon!" Trixie yelled out as stared in disbelief at her distressed stylist and friend.

"I-I think i-it's the chocolates... I ate some of them... like you said I could... I was fine at first... but then I just started to-" She didn't manage to finish her sentence before she had to go again, the poor girl sweating and stuttering.

"Trixie, what's the matter?" Brandon, her manager, said as he entered the trailer, looking around until he found the two girls. "Oh god, Kim!"

"Can you stay with her? I need to check something." Trixie asked.

"Sure, I've got it." Brandon said. "It's gonna be okay, Kim."

Trixie left the bathroom and went over to the counter where the box of chocolates was, inspecting the hand-written note and now realizing who it had to be from. She picked up the box and stormed out of the trailer, walking straight over to Katya.

"Are you fucking happy now? My friend and stylist is crying her eyes out in the bathroom because of your inability to act like a normal person!" Trixie said, throwing the box at the actress, the chocolates spilling out on the grass. The entire cast and crew stopped what they were doing to look at the commotion, many whispering amongst themselves.

"You gave them to her?! Why?" Katya exclaimed.

"Oh I don't know? Maybe because I thought it would be nice to share them with my friend, or possibly because I had no idea they had some sort of fucking substance in them!" Trixie screamed.

"Okay, look I'm sorry. But she'll be fine, it's just laxatives. Calm down." Katya tried to say, even though she knew how rotten her prank was and felt horrible that Kim got dragged into their mess on accident. 

"Calm down? You want me to fucking calm down?! You've treated me like shit ever since we started working together, and now you've poisoned a member of my team in an attempt to poison me-"

"Alright, I get that you're mad. You've got every right to be. But again, it's just laxatives, it's not like actual poison." Katya interjected.

"I don't fucking care, Katya! Honestly everyone else here somehow finds a way to deal with your awful behavior, and why they do is beyond me, but I'm done! I'm not gonna put up with being treated this way by you any longer. So congrats you got your wish; I quit. Fuck this movie and fuck you! You can go to hell and stay there!" Trixie yelled before she went back into her trailer, slamming the door behind her.

Katya stared at the closed door with Trixie's name on it as she realized what this meant.
She had done it.
She'd finally gotten Trixie to quit.

This was what she had been working towards for weeks.
Spent countless hours of planning to achieve.
So why didn't it make her feel any joy?

Just then Pete walked over to her, anger burning in his eyes.

"Katya. Come with me. Right now." He said before turning away again and walking towards his trailer, the actress following behind him.

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