Actions And Consequences

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"Are you sure you really want to quit?" Pete asked Trixie when she finally left her trailer again. Kim had started to feel better and was laying on the bed in Trixie's trailer so she and Brandon had decided to go outside for some air.

"Yes. No? I don't really know. All I know is that I can't keep on working on this movie if I have to constantly look over my shoulder." She told the director.

"Well listen, I've talked to Katya. She knows she's in the wrong, she knows she's pushed things way too far. She thought you were picked just because you're popular, and I know she shouldn't have done what she did even if that was true, but I've told her that I picked you because I thought you fit the role the best." 

"Did you really?" Trixie asked.  "I mean, was that really why you cast me?"

"Yeah, production liked that you've got a fanbase, but I chose you for your talent. I believed that you were the best choice for the movie, and I still do, which is why I really don't want to loose you." Pete said earnestly.

"Alright, I'll stay on. But one more incident like that with Katya and I'm gone." She told him.

"That's totally fair, and thank you."

Suddenly a PA rushed over to them, pulling Pete aside. Trixie couldn't make out what they were saying but she realized that it had to be serious based on Pete's reaction. 

"Staying on, huh?" Brandon said with a knowing smile. 


"Trixie Mattel - the incurable workaholic." He teased.

"I just don't wanna walk out on my commitment, it's not my style. You know I hate dropping out of something I've agreed to." Trixie replied.

"I know. Honestly, making you honor your commitments and getting you more engagements should be my job, but I feel like I have to be the one to tell you to stop working instead." Brandon joked making Trixie laugh a little. Her laugh faded however when she saw Katya walking towards them. She seemed different somehow, Trixie thought. It was almost as if the girl's normally unbreakable shield of confidence was missing. 

"Hey." Katya said weakly.

"Hi?" Trixie replied.

"Listen... I'm really sorry about what happened to Kim. I shouldn't have done that, to you or her. I really-" 

"Apologies will have to wait, Katya." Pete suddenly said, interrupting the conversation. "Come with me, both of you." 

The girls looked at each other in confusion before following the man into his trailer where a laptop was open on the table. On the screen was a video call with Mrs. Waters and Mr. Moore, neither one looking happy. 

"Sit." Pete said, pointing towards two chairs before he went to stand behind the table with the computer. 

"What's this about?" Trixie asked as she and Katya sat down. 

"We've got limited time to deal with this, so I'll cut to the chase. Photos of your argument today have spread to the press and we are now getting countless calls about the relationship between you too, many wanting our comments on you two apparently hating each other." Mrs. Waters said.

"Well, blame her. I would've liked her just fine if she didn't choose to terrorize me." Trixie replied, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"I tried to apologize." Katya whisper-yelled. 

"A little late now, don't you think?" Trixie replied.

"Enough! Both of you. God, stop acting like kids and listen." Pete interrupted. 

"Thank you, Pete. Frankly, we don't care who started it or what the story is, we only care what the story becomes." Mr. Moore said.

"What do you mean?" Katya asked.

"Well, the press thinks you hate each other, we need to change that perception quickly so this doesn't turn into a scandal and instead brings in some positive press." Mrs. Waters explained.

"And how exactly would we do that?" Trixie said.

"Easy, we tell them the photos show something else. The press has photos of Trixie throwing a box of chocolates at Katya, you two arguing, and Trixie storming into her trailer afterwards. They know nothing in regards to what the argument was about. So, we will call it a lover's quarrel." Mrs. Waters replied.

"A what?!" Both Trixie and Katya exclaimed at the same time.

"A lover's quarrel. It makes the most sense based on the photo of Trixie throwing the box of chocolates. So from this moment on you two will officially be dating, and you will say that you started dating after the first script reading. You will put on a show for the cameras, go on dates, go to each others apartments, and go to events together until all promotions for the movie are done. You will be the perfect couple, or we will cancel both your contracts and sue you."  Mr. Moore said.

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