Change The Story

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"You almost ready?" Trixie asked Katya. 

"Yeah, just gotta grab my shoes!" 

They were in Katya's apartment, Trixie having come over earlier that day to take some photos as per the agreement with production. Soon they'd head over to a broadcasting station to announce their supposedly secret relationship and explain away the photos of their fight. 

Trixie felt like she was going to be sick. She hated lying, always had, and now she had to lie to protect someone who'd tried to ruin her career. Katya didn't deserve to be saved, didn't deserve Trixie's sympathy or worry, and yet she had somehow partly gotten it.

She should hate Katya, she thought.
She had almost thought she did.
But somehow... she couldn't.

Kayta had been unreasonable, judgmental, unkind, and selfish, and yet Trixie couldn't help but somehow feel sorry for her. There was something in the girl's eyes, a deep sadness and sense of hopelessness that Trixie hadn't truly noticed until that day when Katya had apologized.  The apology itself had been nice and Katya wasn't wrong about them basically having no other choice, but that wasn't why Trixie had agreed to faking a relationship with the woman. 

Trixie had agreed because of Katya's eyes.
Because of what was hidden inside those beautiful, bright, blue-green eyes.

Maybe it was because something in those eyes was familiar. Something about the sadness they had shown had seemed so similar to the hopeless gazes Trixie herself so often found in the mirror. It was the look of someone who had been used and judged time and time again, and most of all it was the look of someone who had been forced to constantly play a role they weren't comfortable with. 

It made Trixie wonder, wonder if the Katya she knew really was the true Katya or not. Trixie hoped it wasn't, but she would never know for sure if she didn't give the star another chance to show her who she could be. 

And so Trixie found herself wanting to give Katya the benefit of the doubt once again.

"I still can't believe we have to do this." Trixie said as she fluffed her blonde curls in the mirror. 

"Me neither, but let's just try to get through it." Katya replied. She fastened the strap of her shoe before grabbing her bag, holding out a hand for Trixie to take. 

"It's just so dumb... Like who even cares if we argued on set? Why should they get to know what it was about? And you know it's mostly because we're girls... like male actors and musicians start fights and get shitfaced all the time without any type of scrutiny.  The double-standard is just ridiculous... Seriously, you can't convince me that this would've happened if we were men. Like do you honestly think anyone would care if weren't women?" The singer replied as she took the other girl's hand.

"Woah there tiger." Katya said with a slight laugh, always finding Trixie's spunk endearing, and especially now when it was no longer directed towards her. 

"Tell me I'm wrong."

"You're not, but this is the world we live in unfortunately, bunny." Katya replied, lifting the girl's hand to her lips and placing a soft kiss on it. "So let's just put on a smile and give them all the show they want."

"You should use that." Trixie stated, trying to ignore the slight fluttering of butterflies in her stomach that had suddenly occurred from Katya's innocent kiss.

"Use what?"

"The nickname. Bunny. I'm sure the reporters will love it." The singer replied.

"How about you? Do you like it?" Katya suddenly asked. She wasn't sure why she had suddenly felt an intense urge to know, but somehow she now needed an answer to her question. 

"Kinda...  I mean bunnies are cute, so it's cute as long as you don't use it to mock me." Trixie said.

"Well, it's perfect for you then."

Trixie was just about to ask why that would make the nickname perfect, but she was soon interrupted by Katya asking her another question.

"You ready to start fooling these fuckers?" 

"Let the games begin." Trixie replied, smiling when Katya squeezed her hand reassuringly before opening the door. 

Cameras flashed in their faces.
Hundreds of questions flying towards them like arrows.
A crowd of people trying to catch a glimpse of them as they made their way towards the car.

Trixie froze for a moment, feeling nerves crash through her.
Could she really play the part?
Could she save the movie?
Could she convince them?
All of them?

Katya suddenly turned towards her, taking both the girl's hands in her own. Trixie looked into the eyes of the actress, seeing no annoyance or hatred, instead only finding genuine care and understanding.

"Don't worry about them. They might think this is their show, but it's not, it's ours. We're in complete control. You and me. You're in complete control, Trixie." Katya leaned in to whisper.

"I'm in control." Trixie repeated.

"Yes, you're in complete control." Katya said. "This is your stage, bunny. Take it. Show them that you're unbothered and confident. Don't let them make you feel like you shouldn't be."

Trixie found her courage then, smiling brightly and waving towards the flashing cameras, and when they were finally in the safety of the car she was filled with a sense of gratefulness towards Katya. Maybe giving her the benefit of the doubt was the right decision, Trixie thought.

Maybe Katya really didn't want to be the person she had been in front of Trixie before. 

Just maybe...

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now