I Do Like You

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"You're beautiful, you know that?" Katya said as she kissed down Trixie's soft stomach, causing the girl to blush. "Like really fucking beautiful."

"And you're surprisingly cheesy, did you know that?" Trixie replied.

"You love it." Katya said, kissing the inside of the girl's thigh, pushing her legs further apart.

"Hmmm, maybe?" 

Katya used that as a chance to tease the girl, running a finger through the girl's folds and smirking at how wet she was already. 

"Maybe? I'm hurt, Bunny, deeply hurt. I guess you're not really that into me at all, are you? Maybe I should just stop touching you, huh?" 

"Please no!" Trixie exclaimed before she could stop herself. 

"So desperate..." Katya whispered, leaning down to place a kiss on Trixie's clit before reaching her tongue out to kitten-lick it. Immediately Trixie's hands were in her hair, attempting to push her face closer to her core. "You want this, baby?"

"You know I do, stop teasing!" Trixie whined. 

"Shhh... Relax baby, I've got you." 

Katya leaned in then, licking Trixie's clit skillfully and with more pressure than before. Trixie moaned loudly, her hips rocking against Katya's mouth. The actress soon let a finger enter the needy girl, curling it upwards to stroke her G-spot. 

"More, please Katya, I need more." Trixie practically begged. 

A second later Katya entered another finger into her, moaning at the way it slid so effortlessly into Trixie. She fucked the singer harder, speeding up the movements of her fingers and alternating between licking and sucking the girl's clit. 

"Can you handle one more, bunny?"

"Please! Fuck, it feels so good!" Trixie replied, almost screaming from pleasure when she felt Katya enter yet another finger into her. She was so close, that sweet feeling of release nearly within reach.

Katya noticed Trixie's hips moving faster against her, as well as the girl's fingers pulling more intensely on her hair, and so she knew it couldn't be long until she'd reach her high. She sped up her movements again then and sucked harshly on Trixie's clit to bring her to completion.

"Fuck, I'm so c-close... Don't stop, fuck.. K-Katyaaa!" Trixie moaned out as she came undone, her hips rocking uncontrollably against Katya's tongue as she rode out her orgasm.

As soon as Trixie had come back to reality again she pulled Katya up and connected their lips, moaning at the taste of her own juices on Katya's tongue. The kiss slowly went from desperate and messy to loving and sweet, ending in cute pecks all over Katya's face and neck. Trixie laid her head on Katya's chest, smiling up at her as if she had some sort of secret that only she knew.

"What? What is it?" Katya asked with a little giggle.

"Nothing, I just like you." Trixie replied before breaking out in laughter, causing Katya to break out in laughter too.

"I like you too, you dork." Katya said, kissing Trixie's forehead before wrapping her arms around her and hugging her as close as possible whilst rocking her slightly from side to side. 

"Katya... can't breathe." Trixie whispered dramatically.

"Just accept my love, you cunt." Katya replied, slapping Trixie's ass a little.

"Alright.. I will." The singer replied in a shy voice, blushing intensely.

Trixie thought it was a dangerous thing to get used to, the feeling of being wrapped up in Katya's arms. She wanted to believe it could last forever, but she knew relationships didn't always work out, and after all none of hers had lasted in the past.
Still, things with Katya felt perfect, with Katya things just seem to sort of work. Being around Katya was easy, joking with Katya was easy, flirting with Katya was easy, and sleeping with Katya was well... mind-blowing. 

Katya had gone from being nothing but a pain to becoming something like a fairy tale. She was everything Trixie could ever wish for, and somehow that made her even more scared of loosing her. But she wouldn't let fear run her life, she'd enjoy every single moment she got by Katya's side and hope for as many of them as possible.

"You're kinda really great, you know that?" Trixie said, kissing Katya's shoulder.

"You are too, Trix. Honestly you're just amazing, like my very own fairy tale princess." Katya replied with a warm smile.

"I know I said it before but I really do like you a lot, so much I might end up loving you." Trixie admitted.

"I might end up loving you too, Bunny."

Silence found them then, but there was no need for anything else to be said, they both knew what the words had truly meant;

"I don't know how, but somehow I'm already falling in love with you."

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now