Everything I Thought I Knew

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"This needs to go flawlessly, so no going off script. We'll go up there, follow the teleprompter exactly, and hopefully kill this whole story." Trixie said.

Another interview.
More damage control.
All thanks to Katya's bullshit.

Soon she would have to go into a studio in front of a live audience and explain away why her girlfriend had been caught cheating.

It made Trixie want to puke.

"Trixie-" Katya tried, but she was soon cut off.

"Of course, they still need to believe us."

"Trix, listen-"

"But we'll just have to hope we can calm this down and leave it in the past." Trixie interrupted once again.

"Trixie, can you please just talk to me?" Katya said desperately.

"No! No, Katya. You've forced me into this position. You, and you alone. You made the decision all on your own that night, and you did it in an extremely public place, knowing fully well how it would impact us both. You made me the fool, Katya. You made me a laughing stock to the entire world. So don't you dare come now and ask for us to talk."

"I didn't mean to humiliate you. I just wasn't thinking-"

"Well, that's exactly it, isn't it?! You don't think! You acted like an asshole to me for no reason, not thinking about how it would affect the set, and then we were forced into pretending to be dating. And now you've gone and acted impulsively again, and once again you've pulled me down the drain with you." Trixie yelled bitterly.


"No! I trusted you, Katya! I trusted you to make the best out of the situation! I trusted you to be by my side! But you threw me under the bus instead... You threw me to the fucking wolves and now I've gotta go out there once again, smile for the camera, and play a role that I never chose in the first place." The singer said, tears threatening to spill.

"I'm sorry... I just didn't know what else to do..." Katya said with a slight tremble in her voice. "I... I can't explain it."

Katya couldn't explain it.
Explaining it would mean admitting that Trixie had been on her mind day and night.
Explaining would mean that she would also have to explain why that was.
And that would mean admitting to herself that Trixie meant a lot more to her than she should.

"Of course you can't. God, I can't believe I actually trusted you... You're exactly what everyone thinks you are. You're a self-centered asshole who toys with people. But whatever... just keep playing your fucking games, humiliate me all you want, in a month or so this will all be done anyways and I'll never have to see you again." Trixie said, walking towards the door, the dressing room starting to feel more and more suffocating for every second she was in there.

"Trix, I wasn't trying to play a game, I just, I didn't know how to deal with everything." Katya tried, grabbing hold of the girl's wrist.

Trixie ripped her wrist loose, pushing Katya back with more force than intended. Her anger was taking over, but it felt easier to be angry than to lean into the sorrow and disappointment that she truly felt.

"Don't fucking touch me. Go flirt with whoever the fuck you want, but keep far away from me whenever we're away from the paparazzi."

"You don't understand! I don't want to go flirt with someone else!" Katya yelled.

"Then why the fuck did you do it then?" Trixie replied.

"Because I don't deserve the one I truly want." The actress said in a small voice.

"Oh, so there's someone else you'd like to fictionally cheat on me with? I suppose it is better if it's someone you have feelings for, but jesus christ, Katya... Why the hell did you agree to this to begin with?"

"It's not-"

"It's not my business? Actually it is Katya, thanks to you." Trixie interrupted.

"That's not-"

"Not fair? You're one to fucking talk."

"Will you just shut up and listen?" Katya suddenly yelled.

And Trixie went quiet for a moment.
Everything went quiet for a moment.
And then Katya threw all caution to the wind, her hands finding Trixie's shoulders, her arms pulling the girl close until they collided;

Their lips finally meeting in their first real kiss.

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now