Daring To Jump

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"Katya! Katya, over here!" A photographer yelled as cameras flashed.

"Trixie, one here! Trixie!" Another said.

The months since they'd wrapped up filming had flown by, and it felt almost unreal to Katya that the movie premiere was here already. She hoped the movie's reception would be good, hoped they had truly done the screenplay justice. She had already seen it of course, and honestly she couldn't believe that she had initially believed that Trixie wasn't able to do well.

In truth, Trixie was captivating on screen. You'd never be able to guess it was her debut film unless you knew. She was flawless and natural, despite Katya's sabotage in the first weeks of filming. Looking back at it now, she couldn't believe that she hadn't been able to see the girl's talent at the time. 

"Nervous?" Trixie asked, noticing how Katya seemed to disappear into her own mind for a moment.

"No, just really happy." Katya told her.

"About the premiere?" 

"Yeah, I can't wait for the world to see this film. I can't wait for them to see you shine on screen." The actress said honestly.

She turned Trixie around in her arms so she was towards her, kissing her forehead softly which caused the paparazzi to go into a frenzy. Luckily, the red carpet was well guarded so even though they were pushing each other to gain the best angle of the event transpiring, they couldn't reach where Trixie and Katya stood.

"Hmm, who's this sweet and considerate person? I'm sure it can't be the self-absorbed, rude cunt I had as a co-star." Trixie teased. 

"Oh, it absolutely is, and foolishly you also dug your own grave by making her your girlfriend. Not sure what your thought process was there, pure insanity if you ask me." Katya joked. 

"Yeah, I must really hate myself, huh? Honestly, I'm kinda like Mother Theresa, taking a chance on a sinful harlot like yourself." 

"Fuck off, you love me and my whorish ways." Katya said, pushing Trixie's shoulder lightly.

"Maybe I do..." Trixie mumbled, just loud enough for Katya to hear before a security guard informed them that they needed to enter the building.

Katya knew she wasn't supposed to hear it, knew she was supposed to pretend she hadn't and just continue on like nothing had happened. But she couldn't, the words spun around in her head like a spinning top, repeating themselves over and over. 

"Trix? Wait a second." She dared herself to say once they were inside.

"What?" Trixie replied, turning around and stopping. "Is this important? We need to head into the hall, the viewing will begin soon." 

"Just wait."


Then there was silence.
The kind of silence where you know that someone has something important to say. The kind of silence where part of you know the words they're about to say. The kind of silence that makes you both nervous and excited at the same time.

"Did you mean what you said out there?" Katya finally asked. 

"About you being a whore? Yeah, obviously." Trixie joked.

"Trixie... You know that's not what I mean." 

"I know..."

"So, did you?" Katya pressed. "It's okay if you didn't, like I won't be mad or anything... well, a little hurt maybe, but it's fine really..."

Suddenly Katya was cut off by Trixie's lips meeting hers as the girl's arms wrapped themselves around her neck, pulling Katya as close as possible. Their lips moved against each other in perfect harmony.

Not too fast, not too slow. 
Not too hungry, not too pure.
Not too hard, not too soft.
Just perfect. 

It was always like that with Trixie, Katya thought. There was an ease to being around her, a warmth Trixie brought with her which Katya had never experienced with everyone else. Her world, which so often seemed too busy and too loud, was calm and quiet when Trixie was around. It was as if everything just made sense, and it allowed Katya to be the very best version of herself, a version she thought had disappeared years ago. 

And so, when Trixie was next to her, nothing else truly mattered. 

"I did... or I do. I love you." 

"Really?" Katya asked, earning a shy nod in response. Katya smiled widely, tears threatening to escape her eyes as she said the words she had wanted to say for so long. "I love you too, so so much."

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now