Could've Guessed, Should've Known

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Katya stared at the clock, watching the seconds tick away and hoping time would go by faster. She wanted to go home and curl up on the couch next to Trixie, not sit in a meeting with Kevin and the rest of her management team from KTMA. 

"Right, so that only leaves our final order of business." Kevin said.

"Fucking finally." Katya mumbled, happy that the meeting would at least soon be over. 

"It's time to announce that you and Trixie have broken up." He told her. 

"What?!" Katya yelled. "You can't do that! Besides the movie just came out and we were just seen publicly as a happy couple last week." 

"The movie has been out for over a month, it's already surpassed the box office goal and received wonderful reviews, all press events are done too. Lots can change between a couple in a week, especially in Hollywood. It's time, Katya." 

"Kevin's right. It's also important to note that whilst your fanbase has reacted well to the movie, many have expressed a clear disapproval of your relationship. You're supposed to be the sex symbol they can dream of getting with, but that doesn't quite work if your locked down in a relationship." Said Monica, the head of Katya's official social media accounts.

Katya cringed as she mentioned her "sex symbol"- status. She had never wanted to be a sex symbol, and had no interest in keeping up her image as it. She just wanted to be an actress, the best actress she could possibly be. And sure, she had lost sight of that for a while, lost herself in her own rebellion, but that didn't mean that it wasn't still her main priority. 

"There you have it. This relationship needs to end, we need you single and obtainable. And for the love of God please make sure to cut all ties with that country-bimbo, don't think I don't know that she's been staying over at your place." Kevin said.

"So you're spying on me now? You know, last time I checked it's the owner of a home who decides who stays there and how long their visit lasts. I honestly don't see how Trixie staying over is any of your business." Katya spat. 

"Don't act like a child, Katya. You know perfectly well that anything that impacts your image is my business. And you being in a relationship, especially one that isn't just for the cameras, impacts your image. Yes, I know. I know you're dating, and I won't have it, Katya." 

"You can't control who I'm close with, or who I date for that matter." Katya argued. She was so tired of it all, so tired of how KTMA constantly tried to micromanage her life. "Jesus, you complained when I went out every night and now you're complaining because I don't go out. Pick a fucking lane!" 

"That's it. Everyone out! Now!" Kevin yelled, causing everyone to scramble to leave. Katya got up too, but she was soon halted by Kevin's cold hand being placed on her shoulder, pushing her back down into her chair. "Oh Katya... Katya, Katya, Katya, have you forgotten who's in charge here? I own you, remember?"

Katya shivered at the tone he was using, that familiar tone of voice which had always had the power to remove all her self-confidence and make her into the fragile and naive thirteen year-old she was when she first met Kevin. It was cold and calculated, ready to crush any hope of freedom she had. You didn't mess with KTMA, Katya knew that well, but she had hoped, prayed even, that they'd allow her this simple joy.

"Kevin, please..." She begged, her voice nearly unrecognizable. "I'll behave, I'll follow through with whatever grueling schedule you give me, just please let me have this. Let me stay with her." 

"Fine." Kevin replied.

"Really?" Katya asked, her bright blue eyes filling with hope. 

"If you want to stay with her then be my guest, but if that's your choice then you can say goodbye to your acting career." He replied with a smirk.


"No Katya, I'm selling a fantasy, a woman for men and women alike to dream about taking home and fucking like a rag doll. I can't sell a lovey-dovey, pussy-licking housewife. You're the sexual fantasy of thousands of men around the world, Katya. That's your brand, that's what brings in the big bucks. You don't honestly think you're a good actress do you?" Kevin mocked, his hands rubbing over her arms and thighs slowly, making her skin burn and her stomach queasy. 

"I-I'm pretty g-good.. I get a-awards." She stuttered, feeling tears threatening to escape. She hated feeling like this, hated how she couldn't make herself stand up to him and free herself from the situation. 

"Oh honey, no, you're not good at all. You're a pathetic excuse for an actress. All those awards come from your popularity. People give you things to get your attention, not because you earned it. They all want to fuck you, and if they can't... well, then you're worthless, Katya. You'll just be a worthless, washed up, glorified whore." He said, pushing her legs apart as the last sentence left his lips. 

Katya couldn't hold back the tears then, she broke down entirely even though his hands soon left her form, tears streaming down her cheeks as she closed her legs again.
She felt disgusting.

What was she thinking?
She didn't deserve love.
She didn't deserve Trixie.

She was a glorified hooker at best. An attention seeking whore who'd only climbed up in the industry because of sexual favors or because she evoke desire in others. She was nothing, and Trixie deserved everything.

"So, will you stay with KTMA or will you stay in your relationship?" Kevin asked, his normal, professional tone of voice having returned.

"I... I'll stay... I'll stay with KTMA." Katya replied, her voice shaking.

"That's what I thought. That's my good girl."

Smile For The Camera ✔️ ~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now