Love To Love You

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"Katya! Katya, look over here! How do you feel about the trial? Are you happy with the outcome? Trixie! One over here, please!" Reporters yelled at them as they left the courthouse, cameras flashing non-stop.

"No comment!" Trixie yelled out before shielding Katya from the paparazzi as she and their security guards guided her towards their car.

"They never change, do they?" Katya said, half-joking despite the overwhelming situation. 

"Reporters? No, they don't, fucking vultures." Trixie replied, her eyes softening when she saw Katya shaking. She stopped then and took both Katya's hands in her own. "But hey, remember what you told me? They might think this is their show, but it's not. It's ours. We're in complete control. You and me."

"Just you and me." Katya whispered back with a small nod.

"Exactly, it's just us. It's always us." Trixie assured her again, kissing her hands softly before continuing to lead her towards the car. 

"Thank you, Trixie. I don't know what I'd do without you." Katya said weakly once they'd entered the car.

"Well, luckily you'll never have to find out. You're stuck with me forever whether you like it or not." Trixie joked. 

"Oh, is that so?" 

"Yup, you should've gotten rid of me sooner if you wanted to." Trixie said. 

"Well, luckily for you, Bunny, I don't want to. I want you to stay right here, next to me, forever." Katya said, placing an arm around the singer and pulling her close.

"You called me Bunny." Trixie said suddenly, her eyes widening at the realization.

"I did, yeah?"

"No Katya, you don't get it. You haven't called me Bunny since before that day." The singer explained.

"Oh... I haven't... Huh, I guess it just felt natural again?" Katya said, smiling a bit at the thought.

That day.
A lot had happened since that day. 

They'd talked about it a lot, sometimes just the two of them, sometimes with a professional, and sometimes Katya talked to a professional on her own whilst Trixie waited in the next room. It was never easy, but the parts we can't tell are always the heaviest. Trixie never pushed for Katya to say more than she was ready for though, she knew how difficult it was to talk about. So instead she was just proud of whatever Katya managed to discuss.

Most of all what she had been brave enough to talk about in court.

The trial hadn't been pretty. KTMA's lawyers had done everything in their power to slander Katya, pulling up nearly every sexual encounter and nude photograph, but nothing they said managed to sway the jury or the public opinion. Katya's testimony and the footage from the livestream was more than enough to put both Kevin and four other high-ranking company members in jail, and KTMA had gone from being a goldmine to a lump of coal in the industry's eyes.

It wasn't enough to fix things, of course, not really. Nothing could after all take away the years of hurt from Katya's eyes, or remove all the traumatic memories from her mind, but it still helped. It sent a signal to the industry, and it stopped KTMA from doing the same to new up-and-coming actresses. 

It had also freed Katya from her contract for good, and she and Trixie had started a new management company for musicians and actors with Brandon as the head manager and Kim as the head stylist. They had also recently gotten Fena on board, making the company feel even more like a family. Katya's new and improved reputation and Pete's undying love for both of them as actresses had also helped their careers flourish despite everything. And maybe they weren't quite as active in the industry as they had been once, but they liked it that way, enjoying their newfound freedom to the fullest.

"You are so brave, I hope you know that. I'm so proud of you." Trixie said with tears in her eyes, kissing Katya's hand softly.

"Thank you, again... I really mean it when I say couldn't have done all of this without you. I love you, Trixie, more then you could ever know." Katya said, capturing Trixie's lips in a sweet kiss.

"I love you too, so much." Trixie replied once they'd pulled away. "I will warn you though, keeping me in your life means I'll have lots of time to find new ways to ruin it."

"Ah, but just make sure you never tell me how you'll do it, you gotta learn from what I did and keep me on my toes!" Katya replied with a laugh, catching the reference to the conversation they'd had on the day of the feud that started it all.

"I'll make sure to do that." 

"Do you promise?" Katya said more seriously, reaching into her pocket to pull out a small box. "Will you keep me on my toes every day for the rest of your life?"

"Katya, are you... Do you? I mean, are you-"

"Will you marry me, Bunny?" Katya asked with a warm smile, opening the box to reveal a beautiful but simple diamond ring. 

"Of course I will." Trixie replied with tears in her eyes, throwing her arms around the other woman and holding her as close as humanly possible.

And maybe it wasn't a fairy tale ending.
No glass slipper fitting perfectly.
No true love's kiss strong enough to break her curse and take away all the scars of her past. 

But that didn't matter.

Katya could manage without a magic quick-fix, 'cause as long Trixie stayed by her side, she'd have her happily ever after.

A/N: And with that another story has reached it's end! Thank you so much for all your support for this and my other stories. If you're interested in reading something else by me I'm currently working on two other Trixya fics; "Beware Of The Water Lilies" and "Living In Lies", and I've also got tons of finished fics if you wanna read those.

Love you all!

- Annie <3

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