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Today was a day like no other, floating around following Katsuki as usual. His classmates were energetic and noisy, this irritated Kacchan. Of course it did. The classroom was filled with laughter and chatter.

The home room teacher walked in, Shota Aizawa. A sleep deprived looking hobo, stood in front of the class clearing his throat. "Listen up class 1A." The classroom became silent. As expected from the next generation of heroes. "For todays hero basic training, it's turned into a class with three instructors, All Might, me, and one more person." This caught my attention, I raised my head up.

All Might began teaching here? Intrigued I began to pay full attention. "Excuse me! What'll we be doing?" Raising his hand a fellow student, Sero blurted out loud. Aizawa cleared his throat. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between." The classroom broke into a series of whispers. "It's rescue training." Aizawa finished his sentence, leaving the students curiosity to spiral.

"The training will take place off campus, so we're taking a bus there." Aizawa stated, heading towards the door he turned to face the classroom one last time. "Start getting ready." And with that he left the classroom. A few moments of silence went by before the students stood up, leaving the room.

I stood there murmuring for awhile, soon realizing I was all alone. I quickly followed after Kacchan who was in the locker rooms. The 1A boys were suiting up into their hero costumes. I watched as Kacchan put on the last bit of his suit on, admiring him. I stood there in awe, I'll admit that I was a fan of his costume design. It suits him well.


One by one the students lined up, ready to mount the bus. Iida Tenya, the class president motioned the students into order. The students found their designated seats and soon the bus began moving. I hopped on and sat in an empty seat next to Tokoyami. An intimidating individual at first glance, I followed him around enough to know that he is a calm individual. Sometimes he gets the chills when I walk past him. I think he can sense me sometimes.

I leaned over to the next row of seats. Bakugou and Kirishima were sitting there. I watched as the two messed around with each other. For the first time Kacchan's expression softened. I sighed admiring the ray of sunlight hitting both of their faces. I wasn't jealous of their friendship. I was relieved that Bakugou found someone he cared for. I was genuinely happy that he was okay. Without me.


The bus came to a stop, I stuck my head out of the window and my eyes were met with this huge glass dome. I watched in awe, the students did too. Eventually the students got off the bus. We were met with a pro hero standing in front of us. The space hero 'Thirteen' she greeted us. "Everyone I have been waiting for you." Wide eyed, I circled around the pro hero, I couldn't believe how close I was standing to the her. When I was alive I would have never gotten a chance like this!

"Let's not delay any further, follow me inside." Thirteen turned around and started walking. The class cheered and followed right behind. Inside the dome was a variety of terrains and natural disaster situations. Just like Aizawa mentioned.

USJ contained a shipwreck, a landslide, a fire, a windstorm, etc. Thirteen stretched her arms out. "I created this training ground with different types of rescue scenarios in mind," she turned around to face the class. "The Unforeseen Simulation Joint." She breathed, taking in the sight for a few seconds. "Or USJ for short, anyways let's start."


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