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Shit, what now?
I needed to say something, anything. "I-it's not what you think it is." I cleared my throat.

The student from behind scoffed. "Turn around, you villain." Bold of them to assume I'd be a villain. But I did as I was told. I squeezed my eyes shut slowly turning around.


I contemplated opening my eyes. But when I finally did the red spiky haired boy stared back. He inspected me from top to bottom before opening his mouth.

"Are we gonna fight now?" He positioned himself into a fighting stance. Making intense eye contact.

"What? No!," I uttered before clasping my mouth shut. Kirishima furrowed his eyebrows. I removed my hands trying to find the right words that won't tick him off.

"I mean, I don't want to fight with you," I whispered, awkwardly shuffling around. Kirishima relaxed his shoulders.

"Why not?" He questioned me almost in disbelief. I kept my head down. "I'm not with the bad guys."

"Well you certainly aren't with 1A either." He crossed his arms. I could feel myself getting sweaty. How am I supposed to explain myself?

"If I told you the truth you'd think I'm mental." I chuckled. A look of disapproval could be seen in Kirishima's face. Maybe now wasn't the time to be laughing.

"Alright, hit me, I've heard some crazy stuff before." He sighed, probably glad he didn't have to fight. Putting down his "manly" act.

"Really?! You'll give me a chance to explain myself?" I let out a long sigh of relief, I had no plans of fighting him. And I'm glad he wasn't either.

He nodded, I bit my lip trying to think of the right way to say it.

"I died." I said blatantly. Kirishima sarcastically nodded almost wanting to laugh. "I'm serious!" I yelped, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

"Oh yea?." He raised his brow. "How'd you die?" He thought he was playing along with my little lie. I stared at him nervously. Glaring at me waiting for my response.

"I um," I hesitated for a second. "I'll give you a second to come up with a lie, no pressure." Kirishima flashed a bitchy smile.

"Suicide." I lowered my voice. He stared for a few seconds before looking disgusted. "Suicide is not something to joke about," he raised his arm to strike "you're real fucked up." He swung leaving a burning sting on my cheek.

I held my face in shock, before glaring at him. "Don't believe me! Ask your little boyfriend Katsuki!" I barked at him, "he's the one who suggested that I'd take a swan dive off the roof!"

He stumbled back trying to process what just came out of my mouth. "You liar." He activated his quirk pointing his fist at me.

I had no time to react, this time he struck me in the stomach harder than before. I stumbled to my knees coughing till my throat stung. I looked up to see a boy blinded by rage.

He raised his hand to strike again, not a single thought behind his anger. This time he didn't punch me in the gut. He aimed for my head.

My world became blurry and muffled. Kirishima's face switched the moment he realized what he did. A face full of regret was the last thing I saw before I was surrounded in black.

I fell unconscious, laying on the cold hard concrete.

Kirishima pov

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Kirishima pov

"Oh no what did I do?!" I breathed. Bending down gripping the boys shoulders. Desperately trying to shake him awake.

I couldn't just leave him here, he said something about Katsuki, something I hope isn't true.

I hope this dude's just playing some sick mind game. Maybe that's his quirk? I took a moment to stare at his bloody uniform.

I'd just have to wait here until the heroes arrive. Making sure he's under custody of the authorities. I fell on my butt hanging my head down.

I acted upon blind rage again, perhaps Bakugou's habits are sticking onto me.

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