Eight (flashback)

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Izuku pov (flashback)

I used to be so scared of dying. Due to my nature of being clumsy I worried that one day I might tumble to my death.

How ironic. I balanced on the ledge, the only thing keeping me from plummeting to my death was the quietness. It completely hushed my train of thought. I took in a huge breath of cold crisp air. 

And for the tiniest second I felt sane.

I let go.

And I fell, the violent winds whipping around my moppy air. I spread my limbs like a bird in flight. Squeezing my eyes shut, and confidently diving in.

I had no regrets, not in the moment, I felt free, I felt okay......


I have no idea if that was the concrete or my skull. But I felt everything at once then nothing at all. It was almost painless.

I was nothing but a mere splatter on the sidewalk. Brains scattered like an art peice meant to be intrepreted with meaning. Only I had no meaning, there was nothing left for me.

I just hope that you can begin to forgive me, I didn't mean to burden you, mother.

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