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A few days passed by since the half-assed attempt to kill all might. The league has since stayed put with no further plans.

The distant sound of a television played in the background, a news channel. A reporter rambling about USJ's incident. Shigaraki pretended to dismiss the tv but in reality his ears were hooked on what the reporter had to say.

The hideout was a stuffy dimly lit bar that reeked of cigarette and booze. They all sat there, the tension in the room only made it even worse. The reporters words burned in the back of their minds.

Kurogiri shut the tv off slamming the remote on the countertop. Nobody said a peep, Toga fiddled with the juice in her hand. She hopped off the barstool throwing her coat on.

"Where do you think you're going?" Shigaraki hung his head low on the barstool. The man had a few too many to drink. He held a strong concoction in his hand, gulping away at it.

"It doesn't concern you." She turned the knob ready to leave. Shigaraki slammed the glass on the floor, shattering it to pieces. Stumbling off the stool, he staggered towards the frightened teen. The sound of crunching glass after every step he took. "None of my concern?" Shigaraki whispered, getting all up in her face.

She scrunched up her nose at the smell of his breath. Shigaraki was pretty intimidating when he was sober, but he was wasted and reckless. Toga leaned away from him, only to have Shigaraki corner her. Her back was against the door.

"If they catch one of us, they'll eventually find the rest of us." Shigaraki slurred his words, standing there for a few seconds before backing off to his little depressing corner of the bar. The only corner in which the flickering light bulb didn't reach. He sat in darkness.

"Well im not gonna sit here and mope around anymore, it's pathetic!" She uttered before slamming the door behind her.

Shigaraki didn't react this time, he looked up at Kurogiri. Kurogiri offered looks of pity and understanding.

"Don't look at me like that." Shigaraki sighed running his hand down his face.

"Like what?" Kurogiri pretend to be oblivious, he wiped down an empty glass before putting it away. "You know what I'm talking about." He grunted, Kurogiri hummed leaning against the countertop. He rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

"Kurogiri." He looked up at Kurogiri curiously. "When we left the scene, what happened to the mob of villains we dragged with us?" Kurogiri thought about it for a few seconds.

"The cops probably took them in. Most likely collecting statements and what not." They stayed silent, Shigaraki grimaced.

"You think they'll tell the cops anything?" Shigaraki buried his face in his hands. Kurogiri thought for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Most of them are delinquents with petty criminal records." Kurogiri tapped on the marble. "Besides? Who's gonna believe a stupid villain wannabe?" Kurogiri chuckled, Shigaraki nodded in agreement.

That put his nerves at ease, at least he knows that he can't screw up any further than this.

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