Twenty Five

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Inko pov (time skip - 9:39pm)

I stood in the doorway watching Izu rest comfortably in his childhood bedroom. Watching as his chest rose and fell again, breathing calmly. I felt like I was going to explode, my son had just come back from the dead.

And all thanks to some miracle quirk.

I had to tell somebody, I paced to the home phone and dialed Mitsuki. The phone rang for awhile before she picked up.

"Inko, hey whats up?" She said, followed by explosions in the background. "Sorry for the noises, you know, Katsuki." She chuckled.

"You know I don't mind Mitsuki." I replied.

"So how are you doing? Everything good?" Mitsuki said followed by more explosions in the background. "Hold on give me a sec." It went quiet for a second before Mitsuki and Katsuki broke out in a screaming match.

"AND GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Then silence, I stood there dumbfounded. Mitsuki returned to the phone.

"Anyways Inko! How's everything!" She was just an angry woman not too long ago, hearing her switch to her instant nice voice made me chuckle.

"Mitsuki, I need to tell you something." I said carefully and quietly, making sure not to wake up izuku.

"You can tell me anything, whats up?" Mitsuki said more seriously, "wait, oh my god are you sick!?" she immediately said.

"No no! I'm fine!" I said, Mitsuki sighed in relief, "It's about, Izuku." Silence filled the room, on both ends.

"Mitsuki?" I checked if she was still there. She cleared her throat, "Are you having those horrible nightmares again? Do you need me to come over?" She lowered her voice.

"No Mitsuki, Izuku's here, I can see him, I can feel him." I said like a crazy woman.

"Hun? I think its one of those hallucinations again." Mitsuki said, in the background I heard tingling keys.

"Its for real this time Mitsuki. He's Alive." I said trying my best to convince her.

"Inko I'm worried about you these days. I'm coming over." I heard a car engine start.

"Mitsuki I'm being 100% serious." I said fiddling with the phone cord.

"Okay but I'm still coming over," She said "I care and I worry about you."

"Okay I'll see you soon." I hung up and put the phone back.


Katsuki pov

I stormed out of my room into the kitchen where I saw the old hag put her shoes on. She was talking on the phone as she grabbed her keys from her purse. She slammed the door shut.

I looked at my old man Masaru, who just gave me a glance and continued reading the newspaper.

"What's up with the old hag?" I said grabbing milk and chugging it straight from the jug. Masaru looked at me and set his paper down.

"Inko isn't doing well these days. Mitsuki is worried."

"Oh." I put the jug away and went upstairs to my room.

I flopped on the bed and pulled out my vibrating phone, I unlocked it and opened a group chat. It was class 1A sending memes and chatting, I opened the chat.

 It was class 1A sending memes and chatting, I opened the chat

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I sighed and shut my phone off. I sat up and looked at the clock, 9:50pm. I wasn't going to get any sleep anytime soon so I got up and put some shoes on. I walked downstairs and opened the front door.

"I strongly advise you to stay inside, for security measures. For you know, the USJ incident." My old man muttered from across the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Don't try and stop me old man." I slammed the door behind me.

I opened the fence and started walking to the neighborhood park. I breathed in the cold crisp air. The walk took no longer than five minutes.

I reached the old sandbox I used to play a lot in as a kid. I thought back to those times, laughter smiles, and deku. Except he wasn't laughing or smiling.

He was teary eyed and terrified. 

"Damn it," I kicked the sand, "I'm such an asshole." All the memories of Izuku, terrified, hurt, bruised. Maybe I truly was to blame for his death.

I came here to clear up my thoughts but it only amplified them. They whirled around my brain tormenting me. Every burn, every blast, every insult. It all came crashing down at once.

I was the cause. And now he's gone because of me.

 And now he's gone because of me

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