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"Move aside you two!" Thirteen commanded, her finger still pointed ready to take action.

"My job is to scatter you all, and torture you to death!" The villain yelled menacingly. He surrounded the students in, attacking them with strong winds.

"What the?!" Kirishima grunted, holding back the strong winds that were emitting. The students unsuccessfully fought against the strong gashes of wind. Portals began opening up, launching the pupils into random parts of the training ground.

Unfortunately the class broke apart. Oddly enough the villains quirk seemed of have an effect on Izuku. In an instant Deku teleported right in front of all the action, where Aizawa was easily beating these amateurs up.

"Oh no... nonono. This is bad." Izuku muttered to himself stepping backwards. He turned around only to jolt back when he made eye contact with one of the villains right in front of him. Out of all the years he's been dead not a single living thing has made eye contact with him.

Izuku froze in shock maintaining eye contact. The villain smirked, leaning towards his ear. "Whats wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost dear." He giggled. Izuku stood there with his jaw wide open.

"You can... how-but I'm, I'm... dead." Izuku blurted out loud. Disregarding Izuku's question the villain straightened up, extending his arm out. A glowing yellow orb released from the palm of his hand.

"You see that hero there? Well the bastard's already beaten half of us." He carefully touched Deku's shoulder. "Lend us a hand, yea?" The grip on Izuku tightened as he aggressively shoved Izuku back into his physical body.

Izuku fell on his bottom from shock. Seconds passed, his ears ringing like church bells. Adrenaline pumped throughout him. He quickly stumbled to his feet. Searching the area for the villain who was nowhere to be seen.

He retreated back stumbling with each step, like a newborn learning how to walk. He began to run away from the chaos. Heart pumping, beating, pushing blood into his veins. He stumbled upon rubble, hiding behind it.

He let himself fall, scraping his knees. And for the first time in forever he felt pain. He examined his knees, blood seeping through the pair of clothes he last wore when he stopped breathing. A torn, blood soaked middle school uniform.

The world had stopped for him. Only to return just like he left it. Bloody and sore. Izuku put his hands in front of him. Hyperventilating he quickly slapped himself in the face. It stung. It stung!

He let out a shaky breath touching his face. Reaching for his hair, quickly yanking it. Pinching his arm, biting his finger, poking his eye. No matter how much pain he felt he couldn't believe that this was all happening.

Plip, plip, plip.

Tears streamed down the gentle boys face. Each tear washing away the blood that stained his cheeks. He sobbed unable to hold back tears. He cried like we was being held by his mother the day he was born. Cried as he stood on the ledge of that damn building.

Izuku has resurrected.

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