Twenty two

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Izuku pov

I watched the trees as we sped past them. Blinded by the sunrise in between the tall buildings that surrounded Musutafu.

"So, what's your story kid?" Tsukauchi spoke up, eyes still on the road. I looked away from the window to face him.

"My story?" I looked at my lap, fiddling with my sleeves.

"Yea you know, what was your life like before..." he paused thinking of whether to finish his sentence.

I let my eyelids shut, picturing what my life was. The good, the bad, happy memories, sad ones too.

"I got diagnosed quirkless at a young age." I began to say. The detective hummed in response. "It was hard for my mother since my father was out of the picture."

"I obviously got bullied for being quirkless, especially by my own childhood friend." I shifted in the seat. We stopped at a red light, Tsukauchi took his eyes off the road and glanced at me.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." I didn't know how to respond I just nodded in silence.
He pulled up to the curb where he parked the car. He leaned in to look at the tall apartment building.

"Is this it?" He said, looking at the old building. The stairs were rusty and the paint had peeled. But this was home for me, right on the third floor.

"Yup." I said, Tsukauchi got out of the car. I followed him out and we stood in front.

"Lead the way kid." I awkwardly nodded heading towards the flight of stairs. Between each step I could feel my heart thumping.

We reached the second floor, and I abruptly stopped.

"Everything ok?" The detective placed his hand on my shoulder.

"No, yea. Everything's fine." He pat my back and we reached the third floor.

We stood in front of a green door, apartment 337. I stood aside and watched as the detective raised his hand to knock.

Knock, knock, knock.

I stayed hidden from view, scared of what would happen next.....

The lock started to move, and the knob rattled open.


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