Twenty: Mama can you hear me?

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Izuku pov

I clicked the play button ready to babble about a million things. But it couldn't be about something absolutely random. It had to be a quick message.

I took a deep breath in letting it out with a sigh.
"Mom it's me. I'm alive." I let out in a shaky breath.

"I've been in the afterlife," I began to quiver "I was at peace, I wasn't in any pain." I cleared my throat.

"But miracles happen. I need to explain it to you in person, please." I hovered my finger over the pause button.

"I love you."


Tsukauchi pov

"You okay kid?" He sat there with his head hung low for a couple of moments before I grabbed the tape recorder.

"This isn't enough!" He looked up, sobbing.

"What?" I took the recorder and pressed play, listening to his voice speak over and over.

"This is perfect, she'll be in the station in no time." I tried to reassure him but he wasn't convinced.

"How long do you plan on keeping me in this boring room?" He asked. I thought about it for a moment.

"Not long I promise." I stood up. "I'm not an accomplice, I am not a villain." He tried getting up but was restrained with the cuffs bolted to the table.

"No you are not, I assure you. You will not be charged with any crime." I walked towards the door grabbing the doorknob.

"Then why am I still cuffed? Why am I still here!" He snapped back.

I looked back, his face was flushed with red, he was sweaty and scared.

"I suppose that you are correct." I took the keys out of my coat and went over to him. His cuffs clicked loose and he looked at me. Rubbing his wrists, they were marked red.

But I also noticed that he had scarring. Some were fresh, some were old. Others were healing. I sighed feeling sympathy for the boy.

"I don't think this is enough evidence to show your mother." I said reaching my hand out. "We need to pay her a visit, now." His eyes lit up taking my hand.

I escorted him out to the lobby. It was early in the morning but it was filled with silly delinquents and worried parents.

"You certainly know where you live, right?" The boy nodded and we headed out the entrance.

Izuku pov

I stood outside the steps of the police station.
The crisp cold air whipped around sending shivers down, I shuddered. Today was a rainy day, the sky was dark. I let a breath in, fresh wet dirt.

The windows were lit up from the light inside, illuminating the few steps ahead into the parking lot.

I remember this city from childhood. This police station was in a busy area of the city, where the cars always honked. But everything was silent.

I hadn't noticed that the detective was already at his car."Ready?" The detective pulled out his car keys. I walked to the passenger seat and buckled in.



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