Thirty two

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(A week later)
Katsuki pov - 7:45am

Two weeks of laying around doing nothing were over. UA welcomed all of their students to a 'safe and secure' campus. I had my uniform on sitting in the kitchen with the old hag and my old man adjacent from me.

I shoved a fork full of eggs, staring at the two. Their movements looked stiff and carefully thought out. As if they were trying to avoid setting a time bomb off. This has been happening ever since my old hag returned from Inko's place.

It was getting weird and honestly I was a little offended. Trying to avoid pissing me off in the most obvious way ever. They kept avoiding eye contact with me.

I finally decided to do something about it. I loudly dropped my fork letting it clatter against the glass plate. Masaru stopped mid sip from his coffee. And quickly glared at me before setting his eyes back on the plate. The old hag stiffened even more, clearing her throat.

"What the hell is up with you guys?" I said watching as the two continued to eat normally. Ignoring my question.

I looked at my old hag who abruptly stood up grabbing her plate. I scoffed looking towards my dad who just gulped down the rest of his food.

I stood up and stopped the old hag from walking away. She had no choice but to look at me and smile. But I knew down to the very core that wasn't a genuine smile.

"Seriously, what's going on?!" I raised my voice I watched as my old man looked at Mitsuki raising his eyebrows before standing up.

"I'll be late for work." He said grabbing the keys, heading to the garage. I turned back to Mitsuki who just looked the other way.

I rolled my eyes giving up. I walked past her straight to the front door. Mitsuki followed behind grabbing my shoulder.

"There's nothing wrong," she said fixing my collar of my uniform. I shooed her hand away. Definitely not believing that bullshit.

"I don't care. I'm clearly being left out of something though." I said stepping onto the porch
"I'm walking to school." I turned around and slung my backpack on. I slammed the door behind me.
Kirishima pov
- 7:52am

The air was crisp and cold as I started entering the gates of UA. There were security personnel that were checking the ID's of students. Besides all these new security measures everything was basically back to normal.

I turned the corner walking towards classroom 1-A. But I hesitated gripping the handle, I thought about my friends inside. But I also thought about Katsuki. After I stormed off at USJ we stopped sending each other messages or talking at all.

Last I saw him he was pissed. I mean he was always pissed but never at me. I think I really fucked up this time.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw a familiar figure starting at me. I turned around and I met with Denki's loveable dork face.

"You alright dude?" He said

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"You alright dude?" He said. I let go of the doorknob and smiled.
"Yea just excited to see you guys." I said, Denki smiled and reached for the door opening it. He let me go through first.

I walked inside to a classroom full of chatter. I got a few waves and hellos. I looked around for Aizawa but it was just the students in here.
I sat in my seat and leaned towards Sero, who was scrolling through his phone.

"Heyy! Kiri, you hear about the new dorms?" She showed me his phone, a picture of the newly constructed living area in the dorm.

"So they weren't just rumors huh?" I said Sero nodded. "Where's Aizawa?" I said. Sero straightened up and leaned towards me lowering his voice.

"You didn't hear?" He said I raised an eyebrow. "Hear what?" I said.
"That fight, with that villain left him seriously injured man." He said leaning back into his seat. I sat there perplexed.

"We have a substitute though." Sero said before hearing the door creak open. And that's when a spiky blond walked in, he hung his head low and he looked like he was lost in thought. Making his way to his desk ignoring a few greetings.

I stared at him the whole time before looking back at Sero. He raised an eyebrow, I looked at him with my face scrunched up.
"What?" I said.

"Nothing man." He shrugged.

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