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After an eternity of tears Izuku wiped the snot of his face, smearing the blood even more than it already was. He staggered up cautiously peeking towards Aizawa, making sure to not be seen by anyone. He grimaced looking at the injuries on the poor hobo.

Things we're getting nasty, the pro hero had already beaten the rest of the villains that were having a go at him. Now it was just him and Shigiraki, and some braindead next to him having a serious stand off. At any moment the two could rip each others eyes out.

Izuku safely hid behind the rubble again pondering what to do next. It's not like he could just walk away in this situation. Or even begin to explain to anyone that he rose from the dead and that he doesn't affiliate with the villains.

As much as he wanted to he knew that he was too weak to go out and fight alongside the hero. Helping the students was out of the window too. What if he were to stumble into Kacchan? Or worse, what if he were to die again?


Tenya Iida pov

I gave a reassuring pat on the back to my fellow classmate assuring that everything will be okay. All Might ought to be here soon, I'm sure of it. However my face said otherwise. After we had gotten separated throughout USJ I made it a priority to reunite us. A little over than half of the class including me were hiding behind huge wrecked buildings.

I bit my lip wondering what to do next. Katsuki, Kirishima, Tsu, Ojiro, Sato, Ayoyama, Mina, Tokoyami, and Mineta were among the few we couldn't find. Wiping the sweat off my brow did no good for me either. If anything I looked like I was having a silent panic attack. Shame on me, especially with the title as class president, I wasn't fit for such a role.

"You okay bro?" Denki placed his hand on my shoulder. I rapidly blinked into focus, "Yea! uhm...yea just thinking about our next move." I trailed off into a series of mumbles. "Don't stress it, I'm sure the pros got it under control." Sero smiled.

I gave a quick nod, quickly returning to a state of panic. Momo jolted upright, walking towards me. "Tenya, your quirk, you're fast right?" She asked. "Yea?" I crossed my arms. "Then run." She uttered.

"What?" I looked at her like if she was insane. She pointed towards the entrance, "It's risky but what more can be done." Hagakure stepped in, "Right the schools not aware of any of this, the sensors didn't go off at all." The eyes of fellow classmates were glued onto me. "You need to run to UA and get help."

"C'mon, I can't abandon you guys. I'm the class pres-" I began to stutter. "This is exactly why you need to go man!" Denki blurted. Momo pointed towards the entrance, shifting everyone's attention.

"Look, Thirteen is distracting the guy," she looked at me with confidence. "Whats a cloud of mist gonna do?" I let out a deep breath. "Okay I'll do it." A few sighs of relief were let out.


Izuku pov

I must've been out of it muttering to myself because I snapped back to reality in a flash. Speaking of flash, I spotted Tenya tearing straight through the doors of the entrance. Dodging the villains attempt to stop him. A grin spread across my face. He did it, he's gonna get help.

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