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Shigaraki pov

I furrowed my eyebrows. "The teachers, there's only two of them." I looked at Kurogiri out of the corner of my eye. "The teachers schedule we obtained the other day said that All Might was supposed to be here." Kurogiri shook his head, stepping forward.

"We went through all this trouble, bringing a crowd here, and what?" I clenched my fist. "He's not even here?" Gritting my teeth, the crowd of villains spread out further into the terrain. I laughed in disbelief, "he's not even here." I raised my arms up, turning to Kurogiri. "I wonder if he'll come if we kill some students." I grinned.

"On your mark, Tomura."

Izuku pov

I stood there anxiously, worrying about the safety of the students. Momo spoke up "Teacher? What about the trespass sensors?" Thirteen turned to face the worried students, "We have them.... of course." She hesitated to mutter out those words. The students shuffled worryingly.

"They must have someone with a quirk who deactivated them." After what felt like an eternity of standing Todoroki spoke out, a few nodded in agreement. What kind of quirk would that be?

"By the looks of it, this attack was carefully planned, with a goal in mind." Todoroki added, granting a few gasps.

"Thirteen, begin evacuating, contact the school as soon as possible." Aizawa interrupted the small conversation, Thirteen sprang into action. Without any moment to spare Aizawa dashed towards the villains.

How was he going to beat all of those guys? With that many.... even if he is capable of erasing quirks. His fighting style is erase then capture. A frontal style battle would be a challenge.....

Surely the hero has a trick up his sleeve. "I'm leaving it to you thirteen." Aizawa instructed before leaving the hero.

Next ep: battle scene.

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