Thirty seven

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Katsuki pov

I kept running while trying to call Deku again. However with my shaky hands it was 100 times difficult. I could feel like my heart was trying to pound out of me.

I pressed call.

"Kacchan?" Said Deku said on the other line, immediately picking up.
My run halted into a stop I couldn't say anything besides catch my breath. That nickname. My eyes swelled up with tears I quickly wiped them away feeling stupid.
"Deku..." I muttered. I heard Deku sigh in relief on the other end. It went silent for a few seconds.
"I watched you—"

"Where are you?" He cut me off. I looked around realizing I was on a busy road that lead to 'trash beach'. It was the Takoba Municipal Beach until people started to dump their trash on it. From then on it became known as the 'trash beach'.

"I'm at Takoba beach." He said again. I began to walk slowly picking up my pace along the sidewalk.
"Wait I'm not far." I said.

Izuku pov

I sat by the shore of the polluted beach. It was dark and cold, I shivered at the cold winds. This is the first place I thought of coming to. It was quiet and because of all the trash not many people liked to come here. It gave me space to think.

I held the phone to my ear listening to the sound of Kacchan's footsteps. Looking out beyond the coast. Watching the huge waves eventually shrink and shrink until it reached the shore, soaking my shoes.

I sat there for a few minutes until Kacchan spoke from the other end. Snapping me out of whatever I was focusing on.
"I'm here." He said.

I stood up looking around. I saw nothing for a moment before an exhausted Kacchan came from around the mountains of trash. He was wheezing. I stood there staring at him.

He looked around before landing his eyes on me. He stopped looking like he just ran a marathon, he stood up straight. It was dark but I could tell his eyes were open wide.

I raised my arm to wave at him.

Katsuki pov

He waved at me. I walked towards him closing distance between us. I stopped when we were no closer than five feet apart. I just stared at him hesitant on what to say. He stood there too frozen for a moment. Before doing something that took me aback.

He smiled.

That stupid cheeky grin like if he was about to tell a joke. Or laugh out loud. That smile that I almost forgot about.

I could feel those stupid tears forming again. Except I didn't feel the need to wipe them. They streamed down my face.

"I'm sorry." I managed to whimper out, sounding like a little boy. Deku cracked an even bigger grin stepped closer to me.

"Worth it." He said.

I stood there before realizing what he meant. I probably looked stupid crying like a baby, and too him that was a victory. I chuckled a little bit still trying not to choke on tears.

"Tell anyone this happened and I'll kill you nerd." I said back, Deku laughed and started walking beside the shore. I smiled following behind.


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