Twenty Six

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Knock knock knock

A knock came from the door. Inko who was still carefully watching over Izuku paced through the hallway. She opened the door to find a very worried Mitsuki at the door.

She stepped in and hugged Inko. "I know this is hard for you," Inko hugged her back in confusion, "it's the whole grief process, I understand that and-"

"No Mitsuki." Inko pulled back from the hug. Inko gave her a smile of hope Mitsuki stood in silence.

Suddenly Inko walked to Izuku's doorway and looked inside, she smiled. Mitsuki furrowed her eyebrows and followed behind.

"He's here." She whispered. Mitsuki sighed and peeked in. She was preparing herself to see an empty room. Frozen in time.

But there he was, sleeping on his side. Mitsuki's face said it all, her eyes basically bulged out of her sockets. Mouth hung open, she stuttered in shock trying to put the words together.

She looked back at Inko who gave her a 'I told you so' look

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She looked back at Inko who gave her a 'I told you so' look.

"Holy shittt," she whispered, "how? how?!" Inko looked at Mitsuki with glossy eyes.

"It's a miracle." She smiled then looked at Izuku. Mitsuki looked back at Inko and opened and closed her mouth in confusion.

"How!?" Inko invited her to the kitchen where she was preparing a tea.

"A detective came by today." Inko said while stirring honey into the hot beverage. Mitsuki took a teacup and served herself some.

"Turns out a 'resurrection' quirk brung him back." Mitsuki set down her cup in surprise.

"Is that- that's possible?" She whispered. Inko shrugged.

"I mean, we live in a world with quirks." Inko sipped her tea. Mitsuki dropped her gaze.

"Is he okay?" Mitsuki asked.

"He ate, showered, and fell asleep instantly." Inko said smiling.

"This must be exhausting, for the both of you."

Inko dryly chuckled and nodded. "I think I'll spend the night watching him sleep," she sighed, "I'm afraid he'll disappear again."

Mitsuki patted her shoulder, "I can spent the night, please, you need rest." Inko set her cup down.

"Thank you," they both went for a hug. "That's what friends are for." Mitsuki said.

Masaru pov

"Katsuki?" Masaru stood outside of the parked car, the headlights blinded Katsuki. He stood there with tears in his eyes.

"I told you not to come looking for me." Katsuki said with weakness in his voice. Masaru sighed and shut the drivers side of the car walking towards him.

"Yea well Mitsuki's spending the night over, she'll choke me if she found out you went outside." Masaru directed him to the passengers seat.

Katsuki glared at him with puffy red eyes. He got in and slammed the door shut. Masaru got in and began driving.

A silent awkwardness was in the atmosphere, Masaru looked at his son, "We're you crying?" He said looking back at the road.

"No." Katsuki gave him the side eye.

"Oookay, we're you smoking weed?" He said shrugging his shoulders, in his own way trying to get him to lighten up and get a few words outta the teen. Katsuki gave him an annoyed look.

"Sure." Katsuki replied sarcastically.

"Okay." Masaru chuckled.

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