Twenty eight

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Tsukauchi pov

It was an early morning I set down my cup of coffee as I took a seat by my office. I reached for a file nearby and opened it. I rubbed my eye as I scanned the profile.

I haven't gotten much sleep since I left Izuku with his mother. And to be quite honest I couldn't resist the curiosity.

So I began to investigate more. And below my eyes was Katsuki Bakugou's profile. An average high schooler with a great quirk. He seemed like the perfect candidate to pursuit hero work.

Or at least that's what he seemed on the outside. I flipped to the next pages where there were multiple minor incidents of violence and assault.

His middle school records didn't make him look good either. Bullying students and disrespect for teachers. This kid was on a whole other level of rage.

I looked at the bottom of the list 'promoting a suicide' this charge was later dropped. And for some reason it still showed up on record.

I looked at his parents profiles on my monitor their phone numbers were displayed. I decided to call the father. I picked up my office phone and dialed the digits.

A few rings went by before I heard voices on the other end. "Good morning," I said listening for a response, "Masaru Bakugou? Correct?"

"Yes, good morning. Who's this?" The other voice spoke in a quiet manner.

"Ah hello, im detective Tsukauchi from MPD." I said in my best professional voice. A sigh came from the other end.

"Did my son do something again?"

"No sir, I just have a few questions." I said chuckling nervously.

"Oh good, I thought he 'disrupted the peace' again." He laughed back, I awkwardly joined in.

"Sounds like it's happened a couple of times?" I asked hoping he'd tell me more.

"Yea well, my wife is the one that knows everything so you'd have to ask her the questions."

"Ah I see, thank you though." I said as I grabbed a pen and wrote down her phone number that was in the database.

"No problem sir, good luck." He chuckled before hanging up.
Masaru pov

I hung up chuckling I set the phone down and resumed what I was doing. I picked up the cold waffles off the table and was about to dump them.

"Don't." Bakugou said peeking around the corner.

I raised an eyebrow, "They're cold." I watched as Katsuki took the plate and set it in the microwave.

"Okayy. Enjoy then." I began to walk away. Katsuki mumbled something I could barely hear.

"What?" I turned my head. He spoke up louder.

"Who we're you calling?" He said mumbling louder, he stared at the microwave. Watching the food rotate.

"Oh just some detective." I shrugged and kept walking.

"Ok." He mumbled back as the microwave beeped.

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